Page 77 of Ruthless Riot
“It seems those boys don’t keep you quite as close as you think, do they?”
“What do you mean? They didn’t kill her. They wouldn’t. Shit, even when I threatened it in fits of anger, they still intervened.”
He shakes his head, trailing his hands down my sides until he slips his fingers through the belt loops on my pants. Seamlessly, he lifts me up onto the table, just like that, forcing his way between my thighs.
“I can’t decide whether you’re lying or not…”
“That’s irrelevant to me. I already told you, I know the truth and I have no reason at all to lie to you.”
“You also want to survive, Scarlett. You just told me that yourself.” He leans in closer, bringing his lips to my ear. “You’re a snake just like your father was, and you coming here does nothing to help your friend. All it does is render you defenseless to me.” He grabs my crotch, claiming it as his, at the same time I feel the leather handle of the blade behind me.
“I’ve never been helpless, Kincaid. Not ever.” I sink my teeth into his ear, biting hard as I drive the blade blindly into his stomach. His skin tears at my mouth as he grunts, pushing to get away from me. He staggers back, blood gushing down his neck from the wound, or loss of flesh at the bottom of his ear… leaving the small piece between my lips.
I spit it out in disgust, threatening to puke everywhere, but manage to keep a hold of the blade in my hand as he gapes at me. His mouth slams shut, settling into a thin line as his nostrils flare and anger ripples from him.
“You stupid fucking bitch, you’re going to regret that,” he hisses, before lunging at me. I swipe the dagger at him as I try to jump down to my feet. I catch his chest with the tip, but he still manages to slam his fist into the side of my head.
I lose my footing as my boots hit the ground, and I can’t keep my balance as I topple sideways to the floor, clutching the blade like my life depends on it. My cheek burns from the contact of his fist, and he doesn’t give me a second to recover, kicking me in the stomach and knocking the air from my lungs.
Swinging my legs and arms, I try to catch him with whatever I can, but he doesn’t make it easy. I hate fighting scrappy like this; there’s no precision, no finesse, just survival.
“Bitch, keep still,” he grunts, grabbing at my hair, but I slam the knife into his arm the second he lifts my head off the ground, and a guttural groan burns from his lips. His grip slackens as liquid drops onto my face, and I realize immediately that it’s blood.
Clutching the knife in my hand, I manage to kick him to the side and rise to my knees, but before I can try to get to my feet, a boot smashes me in the face. Black spots form behind the back of my eyelids, the world spinning around me as the pounding of my heart rings in my ears. I sloppily swipe a hand down my face, crimson staining my palms as I smear Kincaid’s blood across my skin. It does nothing to clear my foggy vision, only making the situation ten times harder from my position on the floor.
I knew taking him down would be hard, but fuck, have I overestimated myself?
“Look what you’ve done,” he yells, waving his bleeding arm everywhere as blood seeps into his clothes from the wound, along with the mess from his ear. Yet he’s still on top right now, looking down at me with fury as I struggle to even breathe, never mind fighting back.
He reaches for the collar of my t-shirt, lifting my back off the ground as he growls in my face, and I’m slowly sinking into a dark pit of despair. My body can’t catch up to my brain, even though neither are working at full speed, but I’m helpless in his hands.
A slam sounds around us, overwhelming my already frazzled senses, and he snarls, “Shut the fucking door behind you, boys, we don’t need everyone watching the fun we’re about to have.”
My tongue is like lead in my mouth. I will my arms to lift and fight back, for my legs to kick out at him, but thinking it and doing it are two very different things.
Footsteps echo down the stairs as Kincaid’s snarl turns into a sinister smile, pleased with the backup he’s got, but when he glances over his shoulder, the look on his face quickly drops. My world spins once more as he lifts me, and with my next breath, my back is plastered to his chest, our bodies aligned from head to toe.
Blinking, I instantly understand the reason why I’ve suddenly become a human shield.
Twoto be more specific.
“Are you with me, Rebel?” I nod subtly at Ryker, hating how much of a failure I look at this moment. So much so that I barely meet his gaze, or Axel’s, as he stands beside him. They’ve both got a gun aimed in our direction, and Kincaid chuckles.
“Lower your fucking guns or she dies.”
“How about you let go of her and I don’t torture you as much as I planned. I’ll make it quick and relatively painless,” Ryker counter offers, but that only seems to piss Kincaid off as he rattles me in his grasp. I’m still not completely functional, so there is nothing I can do but accept it.
“Drop your weapons or I kill her,” he bites back, reaching for my limp arm and lifting it in the air so the dagger in my hand is aimed at myself. His fingers wrap around mine before I can try to drop it, but panic doesn’t set in, if anything, I can see clearer than ever.
Lifting my blurry eyes to Ryker, I exhale. “Take the shot.”
His gaze flickers between Kincaid and me, but when the president of the Devil’s Brutes tightens his hold on me, Ryker slowly lowers his gun to the floor.
My eyes slam shut, frustration getting the better of me. I hate that I’m being used as a weapon against them, a barrier in the way of bringing this fucker down. I can chase the fuckers hurtingmyweakness, but actively being someone else’s weakness feels like the end.