Page 22 of Rider
“Say it again?” I ask, wanting to make sure I heard him right.
Blade looks over at me, a slight smirk on his otherwise impassive features. “Axel has been coming in clutch for us since the day he patched in, and today was no exception. He did some research and found that most of the drugs confiscated by police are tagged with invisible ink so they don’t get redistributed in the community.”
“Lot of good that did,” I mutter.
“It took a little time, but the invisible ink did come in handy. The police here have been doing deals across state lines, where they have different policies and procedures, aka, they won’t check for invisible ink since it’s not in their training.”
I nod, encouraging him to continue as we wind our way through town.
“Axel figured the shit planted on you came from confiscated evidence. He proved his case to the interim chief of police, and instead of turning Officer Towe into internal affairs or calling down the FBI again, we were able to negotiate your release.”
I grunt, and I know Blade can read my thoughts.
“I hate that Pete fucking Towe will still have his job,” he concedes without me having to say a word. “But now we know to keep an eye on him. His time will come, just like the rest of those dirty fuckers. What’s important is that you’re free.”
“You’re right,” I tell him, still trying to wrap my brain around everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. “Thanks for having my back.”
“Always. You’re not going back in lock-up, Rider. Not while the Savage Saints are on your side.”
I nod, and we ride in silence for a few moments before I ask the other question burning in my gut.
“Sutton?” I choke out.
When I called Blade from jail, I told him Sutton had been staying with me, and she was probably worried and scared. I expected the jaded prez to make fun of me or give me shit for thinking about a woman, but instead, he agreed to talk to Hawk and Tessa and have them go over to my place and talk with Sutton.
“She’s with Hawk and Tessa,” he assures me.
“Good.” I’m unsure how else to respond or even what to think. What is going on in my sweet girl’s head? Is she hurt? Angry? Can she ever trust me again? Did I lose her forever?
“Listen, I know I’m the last person on the face of this god-forsaken planet who should be giving relationship advice, but Sutton might need some space. She’s safe with her friend for the night, so maybe you should hang back at your place tonight. Clean up and get some rest.”
I narrow my eyes at Blade, who shrugs as he pulls into my driveway.
“Or storm over there and declare your love for her with a big boom box over your head,” he adds.
This pulls a chuckle from some hidden reserve locked away in my chest. “I think the second one is more my style,” I say as I open my door and hop out. “Thanks again for everything.”
“Go get your girl,” he tells me, rolling his eyes. “Still don’t get how you and Hawk were taken down without so much as a fight,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Can’t wait until you meet the woman who bowls you over when you least expect it,” I joke, slamming the door shut before he can respond.
Blade gives me the middle finger, and I grin, shaking my head as he backs out of the driveway.
Ten seconds later, I’m on my bike, racing toward town to make things right with Sutton. I have to find a way to make her forgive me, to make her understand. Now that I know what life can be like with Sutton by my side and in my bed, I refuse to go back to my pitiful existence without her grace and warmth.
Get ready, little flower. I’m not coming back home without you.
“So you were living out of your car for two weeks?!” Tessa exclaims, her eyes wide with concern. “And you didn’t tell me?”
My friend sounds hurt, which kills me. Not all that long ago, the thought of someone being upset that Ididn’ttell them my problems would have been ridiculous. I’m starting to get used to it, though it will take some time to fully accept that I have a friend who will support me no matter what.
“I wasn’t in my car the whole time,” I tell her, sipping the hot chocolate she made for me when we got back to her place. Tessa and I have been curled up on the couch under a blanket for the last few hours, drinking hot chocolate and finally catching up.
My friend gives me a look, and I know she needs more details.