Page 15 of Here You Are
“Elda, follow me,” Francis said.
“Sorry.” She shoved her phone away and caught up.
“I’d like to have welcome drinks here.” He scribbled in the black leather book he’d produced from his pocket. “Let me show you something. I think you’ll like it.”
He led her to the middle of the vast room. The space was empty, and she giggled with anticipation. This week was really looking up.
“I want to build a huge structure here. Imagine three walls rising from the ground.” He moved his hands in the air, and his coat flowed behind him. “It’ll be a triangular centrepiece. During the private viewing, the speeches will happen right here.” He pointed at the floor and mimed a small stage, his eyes sparkling along with his smile.
Elda pieced together the meaning of his broken sentences.“My trio? A feature triangle? Wow, Francis that’s a lot of effort for me. I’m not a big enough name.”
“You underestimate yourself.” He held his finger in the air and grinned.
“You’re going to make me the headline artist…” For a moment, Elda didn’t recognise the feeling in her chest. It was panic. The paintings weren’t even finished. Not that she was going to mention that right now.
Francis stepped towards her. “You’re brilliant. More than you realise. And you can do this, Elda. I know it.”
He hadn’t touched her, but his words embraced her with a cloak of confidence. She returned his smile and let out an embarrassed laugh. He thought too much of her. She was just an office bod with a mediocre back catalogue from art school. But she couldn’t admit that to Francis. His enthusiasm filled her with an energy she’d never had before.
“I’ve seen those pieces,” Francis said. “I can see what they’ll be, and I think they’ll be a major draw for this exhibition. People will want to see them. Trust me.”
He took her right hand in his, and she shivered. He turned her around, so they stood toe to toe. She stepped back, creating some distance between them. Tension hung in the air while she considered what was in front of her. Was there anything to lose? It wasn’t like she had any sort of professional reputation to damage.
“I want you to be the centre of this.” He pressed his hands together. “Please say yes. For me?”
“Okay, I will,” Elda whispered. Maybe she could pull this off. She shook her head and tried to make sense of what was happening. The white walls, which had been so far away, were now closing in. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was surprising that this big shot curator had walked into her life and was giving her an opportunity to show her art. What could she do other than accept?
But there was something about his tone and body language that suggested he might want more from her. She’d have to put him straight on that. There was no denying that this would be great for her career. He’d already placed her centre stage. She ignored the nagging doubt and the thought that everything would completely implode if this all went wrong, which it likely would, given her track record.
She hardly knew this guy.I don’t know Charlie either, but I like her. Why was Charlie crashing into her thoughts? This was a serious artistic opportunity,and she didn’t need any kind of distraction.
Jack’s foot slipped on the rung of the ladder, and Elda grabbed his ankle with her good arm.
“Steady on, Elda. I’m fine.”
“I thought you were falling. Be careful.” She bit at her thumbnail and glanced at the door, worried someone would hear them hiding out in the office storeroom. “Sorry, I’m a bit edgy. I can’t switch my brain off.”
“Well, chill out. You’ll end up breaking the other arm if I land on you.” He groaned and dragged a cardboard box off the top shelf. “Grab this.”
Elda braced herself, not knowing whether the box was full of paperclips or paperweights. “Is it heavy?”
“Light as a feather. Stop fretting.” Jack made his way down the ladder.
He opened the box, and she peered inside at bubble wrap and shredded paper.
“Here it is.” He passed her half a bottle of vodka. “This should lift our spirits.”
“You’ll get us into trouble.”
“Hope so.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’m in charge tonight, and I’m on a break. If anyone catches us, we’ll say you were bringing in your sick note, and I was tidying the stationery cupboard.”
“That’s a likely story.”
“It’s more believable than us having a secret romantic rendezvous in here.”
“True. No one would swallow that.” Elda chuckled, twisted the screw top and tasted the burning liquid. She lowered herself to the ground and sat cross-legged.