Page 43 of Here You Are
Their bodies merged into each other, and Elda closed her eyes and followed the rise and fall of Charlie’s breathing.
Everything was still. Elda had slept through the afternoon, and dusk was leeching into the house. She rubbed her eyes and parted her lips to speak.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Charlie asked. She sat, fully clothed, at the end of the bed.
“Are you just sitting there, watching me sleep?”
“Maybe.” She crawled across the bed, cupped Elda’s cheeks with both hands, and caressed her lips with her thumb.
Elda’s heart stretched, and she held on tight.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Charlie said.
“I came back foryou. I should never have gone to Paris.”
“Don’t.” Charlie brought her hand to Elda’s lips. “I pushed you. We both thought it was the right thing to do.”
Elda pulled Charlie towards her, kissing her softly at first, then harder, as she caressed her neck.
“Come with me.” Charlie pulled her to her feet. “You’ll need this.” She handed her a dressing gown.
Confused, Elda reached the back door and stepped into the cool evening. She wrapped the fleece around her for protection against the elements. “Where are we going? It’s freezing out here.”
Charlie led her around the back of the house towards a cabin. It was hidden from the main road, with its own uninterrupted view of the villages below. Underneath the cabin’s outdoor canopy sat a steaming hot tub, spitting foamy bubbles into the night.
“Nice touch. Very romantic.” Elda shivered through her grin. It was idyllic. She’d never felt so special.
Charlie placed a glass of champagne in her hand. “Get in before you get too cold. I’ve had the log burner on for a few hours, so it should be toasty.”
Elda shrugged off her robe, and the icy breeze made her breath stutter. As she stepped into the water, its contrast ignited her skin. She sunk beneath the surface, and the water warmed her. As Charlie stripped and climbed in opposite, moonlight caught the contours of her face. Her grace brought tears to Elda’s eyes,and she had to look away.
The night was all theirs. Nothing moved around them except for the water holding their naked bodies. “This is beautiful.” Elda breathed in the scent of winter, trying to commit it all to memory. “Thank you.”
Elda crossed the jacuzzi and straddled Charlie’s naked lap, relishing the contact of her skin in the scorching water. “I’ve dreamed of being this close to you,” she said, nudging at the soft skin behind Charlie’s ear.
“Me too. It’s something I’ve had to get my head around.”
“Why?” Elda laid back in the water, and her breasts rose above the surface to meet the icy air.
“Because I don’t do relationships, or feelings. You know this.” Charlie laughed, but it didn’t conceal her unease.
“Is that what we’re doing? Feelings? Relationships?” Elda held her gaze, begging Charlie to yield to her infatuation.
“We’re definitely doing something, and I’d like to do it repeatedly for the rest of the weekend.” Charlie put her hands at Elda’s back and drew her back to her chest, and their lips met for a greedy kiss. “At least.”
They played house for three more days, taking turns to cook and tidy. Being together in their borrowed bubble made sense. Elda laid back in Charlie’s lap, suspending reality until the very last moment. “What happens when we get home?” Elda sat up, trying to keep her voice airy. She was terrified that this would burst around her.
“This happens. I want to be with you. I want to feel like this all the time.” Charlie took Elda’s face in her hands and kissed her hard.
She sighed, and the burn of desire rushed through her again. Elda pushed Charlie’s shoulder gently. “What is this though? I just want to understand what’s happening to us.”
“I don’t know.” Charlie picked off a piece of wool bobbling on her jumper. “But it feels good, doesn’t it? And I don’t want it to go away.”
Elda needed more. She didn’t want this to be another false start at a relationship. She wanted Charlie more than anyone, ever. She was so exposed.
“Has this all happened a bit too quickly for you, El?” Charlie asked.