Page 57 of Here You Are
“It’s me,” Kim said.
Charlie dropped her head against the frame and braced herself. She opened the door, flooding the passage with the amber glow of the streetlights.
Kim carried Jacob in her arms, flanked by Chloe and Sam.
“You’d better get them inside. It’s cold.”
“I’m desperate. Darren kicked us out. He threatened me with all sorts.” Kim stumbled into the house, words tumbling between her sobs.
Charlie saw the mark on her face. She took the weight of the sleepy Jacob and led them into the shadows of the living room. She cradled him and placed him on the sofa, stroking his hairline, then she flicked a lamp on. She struggled to find the words to relieve the fear hanging in the air. “This is an adventure, isn’t it, guys? Come for a sleepover?” Charlie said.
“This is rubbish. Where are we going to sleep?” Sam took up space on the sofa and curled his legs beneath him.
“We’ll think of something. Get comfy. There are blankets on the back of the sofa. I’ll get us some warm drinks.”
“Shut up, Sam. It’s not Charlie’s fault,” Chloe said.
Charlie gave her a quick squeeze on the way to the kitchen. Alone, she pressed her eye sockets, creating red patterns in the darkness. She craved control of the situation, but her thoughts whirled like a helicopter above her head. Hearing footsteps, she looked up to see the fresh torment in Kim’s grey, tear-stained face.
“I’m so sorry for bringing them here.” She could hardly catch her own breath. “I couldn’t think of where to go.”
“It’s three a.m. The kids need some sleep.” Charlie gripped the fridge door. “Hot chocolate and bed, if they’ll go.”
“I can’t believe this is happening. I’m sorry. He was worse than I’ve ever seen him. I didn’t know what to do.” Kim steadied herself.
“Whatever’s happening, you’re safe now. Let’s get the children settled.” Charlie carried the steaming mugs back into the living room. “Sam, you can go in the spare room, and I’ll put a fold-up at the foot of my bed for Chloe.”
“Come on, kids, up you go. I’ll stay here with Jacob. He’s flat out now.” Kim kneaded her temple, deep lines of worry gathering at her forehead.
When they were settled, Charlie came down the stairs and took stock. Jacob was on one half of the sofa and his mother was in a foetal position on the other half.
“I didn’t mean to drag you into all this.” Kim rubbed at her sore eyes.
“What’s happening?” Charlie tried to keep her shit together. She didn’t need this on top of everything with Elda. Her emotions were already wrung out, and she had no more to give.
“I couldn’t stay in the flat. He threw us out.” Kim fiddled with a loose thread.
“It’s your flat, Kim. He can’t throw you out of your own home.”
“I had to protect the kids. He hurt me tonight, and I’m sure he was going to start on them.” Kim’s chest heaved up and down as she bowed her head. “I just wanted to feel safe.”
Charlie perched on the arm of her sofa and took Kim’s wrist. She stroked her flaking hand, feeling the work she’d put in to keep her children clean, safe, and fed. “I know. You’re safe now. We’ll sort something out.” She flicked through a filing cabinet of memorised case law. “You need to be able to live in your own flat. We’ll talk to the council and the police in the morning.”
The pair sat in silence for a while, listening to Jacob’s gentle snorts. His breaths were long, with huge gaps in between which made Charlie’s heart jump. Eventually, Charlie rose, climbed the stairs, and dug out spare pyjamas for Kim. She took a deep breath before going back in. “Put these on. You and Jacob can stay in my room, and I’ll sleep down here.” Charlie nodded toward the door and lifted Jacob into her arms. His head lolled onto her bony shoulder, and it took all her strength to carry him up the steep stairs.
Halfway up, she heard her phone in the kitchen. Fear scrambled in her stomach, and she pictured Elda back home, alone. She quickened her pace and placed Jacob’s sleepy frame into the king size bed, where he sprawled out on contact.
She jogged down the stairs and reached her phone just as it rang out. “Shit.” Elda’s missed call stared up at her from the counter.
The house was filled with a thumping, coming again from the hallway.
What the fuck now?
“Let me in, you bitch. I know you’re in there.”
Charlie took a breath and Kim came to her side, trembling with fear.