Page 28 of Collision
“We could definitely use the help. My dad’s been… low on energy lately.”
Shelly turned abruptly down the aisle and handed me a costume.
I held it up. “A flapper costume?”
“They can dress like flappers, and we can be gangsters,” Brody said, handing a costume to Chase.
“We can get cigars,” Chase thought out loud. “And guns!”
“Let’s go see what they have.” Brody and Chase disappeared into the back of the store.
I shook my head. “Boys and their toys.”
“So what do you think?” Shelly asked eagerly. “Will you wear this?”
The model on the package was wearing a silver dress with tiers of fringe. It was short, but not too revealing. It was classy. “Sure. This looks okay.”
She squealed. “Let’s go look at their wig selection. I saw this blonde one with pin curls that I just need to have.”
“Then have it you shall, my friend.” I swung my arm around her shoulders as we walked towards the wigs.
“The boys are going to look so handsome in their gangster outfits.”
I nodded in agreement.
“Chase is going to the party with you. That’s kind of like a date, wouldn’t you say?”
I picked up a short black bob, completely ignoring her question. “What about this one?”
“It’s perfect! It will go great with your silver dress.”
“Good. Here’s your blonde one. Let’s pay and get out of here.”
A voice from behind me shouted, “Put your hands up where I can see ‘em!”
I felt what I knew to be a toy gun pressed against my back. I slowly lifted my arm in the air and turned around to see Chase wearing a fedora hat with a fake cigar in his mouth.
“What do you think of the hat?”
“Honestly, those hats remind me of Freddy Krueger.”
He grinned. “I think it makes the outfit.” He tipped it over one eye.
“It will go perfectly with your costume,” Shelly said excitedly.
I waited in line while Brody paid for his and Shelly’s costumes.
“Next!” the cashier called.
I placed my costume on the counter, and Chase put his right next to mine.
“Together?” the cashier asked.
“Together,” he answered, and handed her his credit card.
“Chase, no. Brody paid for Shelly’s because he’s her boyfriend. You don’t have to pay for mine.”