Page 32 of Collision
“Do you guys want drinks?” the cashier asked.
I looked at Chase.
“Just get one, and we can share.”
I hesitated. “Just one. Large, I guess.”
“Enjoy your movie!”
I took my change and the cup from the cashier, and walked to the soda fountains. “What are we drinking?”
Chase shrugged. “Whatever you want.”
“Grab some napkins.” I pointed to the popcorn surrounding his feet on the floor. “You look like you’re going to need a bunch.”
He shoveled a giant-sized handful of popcorn into his mouth. Pieces dropped everywhere. “You think?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Maybe see if they have a tarp instead.”
Inside the theatre buzzed with excitement. I noticed several familiar faces. I ducked my head behind Chase until we found our way to our seats in the back.
“Crowded in here,” he commented.
“Good thing you got our tickets ahead of time.”
He watched as I tried to adjust myself comfortably in the reclining seat. “I can move this armrest up if you need more room.”
“No, I’m okay.” I gave him a side look. “I need a barrier to keep you from my snacks.”
He dramatically covered his tub of popcorn. “Then keep your grubby hands off my corn!”
“Hey, Brooks!” someone shouted.
Chase looked up to see one of our old high school classmates approaching from the row in front of us. His face looked familiar, but I could not for the life of me remember his name.
“Hey, Eric. How’s it going?”
“It’s going well, my man. How was California? I’m surprised you’re back already.”
I cringed. He must have to deal with that a lot. I wondered if he felt embarrassed.
“California was good. It’s nice to be back home, though.”
Eric realized I was sitting next to Chase, and did a double-take. “Merritt? How the hell are you?”
“I’m good.”
“Wow. I saw your accident on the news. I can’t believe you’re alive.”
“Here I am.”
“It was good to see you, Eric,” Chase intercepted. “Enjoy your movie.”
Luckily, Eric took the hint and waved goodbye. “Take care, guys.”
My polite smile turned into a sneer once his back was turned.
Chase laughed while he shook his head. “People don’t get it. It’s not their fault.”