Page 51 of Collision
Chase scooped me up and twirled me in a circle before setting me down. The song changed, and I stared up into his eyes as our bodies began to move in time with the beat.
“You owe me a dance.”
I smirked, well aware that he would not forget my promise from when I was still in the sling. “Don’t let this go to your head or anything, but you look really great tonight.”
His face lit up when he smiled. “So do you. I miss your curls, though.”
I scrunched my nose up. “Why?”
“It’s you.”
“A big hot mess?”
“Stunningly beautiful.”
I turned around to avoid getting hypnotized by his gaze, pressing my back up against him. His hands gripped my waist and I could feel his breath on my neck. The voice in my head that was screaming for me to stop now became a faint whisper. Dancing wrapped up in Chase’s arms felt too good to ignore. The lines that I had so carefully drawn around our friendship were blurring. What was once crystal clear, black and white, had just turned into foggy grey confusion.
He spun me around to face him again, pulling me close to his body so that the space between us disappeared. I could hardly hear the music as he ran his hands down my back. The trance we were in made it feel like we were the only two people on the dance floor. We were barely moving anymore, as he took my face into his hands. Our lips were inches away, and without hesitation I stretched up onto my toes to get closer to his mouth.
Our lips were about to touch when a drunken sexy firewoman knocked into us before crashing onto the floor. Her drink spilled down my arm, soaking one side of my dress. It felt like I was being woken up with a cold splash of water, and just like that – the spell between Chase and I had been broken. I stepped back in realization of what was just about to happen, and quickly escaped to the kitchen. Shelly was hot on my heels.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just wet.”
She took the entire roll of paper towels off the holder and started dabbing at my dress.
“Don’t worry about the dress.” I tore a few cloths off the roll and dried my arm.
“What the hell was going on?” She drunkenly exclaimed. “Did you kiss him?”
“No! I don’t know what I was doing!” My entire body was tingling, and I couldn’t tell if it was from Chase or the cold drink.
She picked up a shot and handed it to me. “You could use this right now.”
“I can’t. I’m pretty sure Chase won’t be able to drive home.”
She pouted. “I don’t want to drink alone.”
“You’re not.” I waved my arm around the room. “Everyone here is wasted right along with you.”
“I’m not wasted. You’re wasted.”
I giggled and gave her a nudge. “Go.”
The boys were now at the pool table a few feet from the dance floor. I let out a sigh of relief that I did not have to dance with Chase again. I don’t know what had come over me, but I was afraid it would happen again if he came any closer.
As the night continued, Shelly and Chase were sporting similar looks: eyes half closed, teetering from one side to the other. It was Kenzie’s turn to be on Shelly duty. Tina and I sat on the couch laughing and making fun of them.
I stifled a yawn.
“Are you ready for bed, old lady?” Tina teased.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been out like this. I forgot how exhausting it is.”
“Well, it’s nice to have you back.” She motioned to Chase at the pool table. “What’s new with him?”
I shrugged. “Same as the last time I saw you.”