Page 69 of Collision
“Where did you go?” he asked gently.
“Nowhere. Just thinking.”
“Uh-oh,” Betty chimed in. “What’s his name?”
Shelly entered the room with a bottle of wine. “His name is Chase Brooks, and he has left her like this for two weeks now.”
“What did he do?”
“He didn’t do anything. He’s just going through a hard time right now.” I shot Shelly a look for bringing this up to her parents.
“Again I ask – what did he do?” Betty was always quick to defend us against any prospective boys.
“Really. Nothing.”
Shelly rolled her eyes. “He has been pursuing Merritt since the summer. She’s been in denial about it the entire time. Two weeks ago, he finally grows some balls and kisses her – the same night his dad ends up in the hospital. She rushes over to be with him, and they get into a dumb fight. Now, it’s Thanksgiving and they still haven’t made up. I don’t care if he’s going through something right now – he’s being a stubborn idiot.”
“Shelly,” I warned. “He’s not an idiot.”
“Oh, she’s defending him,” Don noted to Betty. “That means it’s serious.”
“No, no.” I waved my hands. “Can we just change the subject please? I don’t want to talk about it at dinner.”
“She doesn’t want to talk about it. It is serious.” Betty winked at Don.
“Thanks, Shell,” I muttered. It was bad enough that Chase and I were barely speaking. It was embarrassing to have it broadcasted during holiday dinner.
“What was the fight about?” Don asked.
I sighed. “I offended him with something I said.”
He shrugged. “You offend everybody with the things you say. It’s all part of the Adams appeal.”
I cracked a smile. “I wasn’t meaning to be sarcastic that time. I genuinely hurt his feelings. I just don’t know how to make it better. Plus, his dad has been in and out of the hospital lately.”
“Where she has been by his side night and day,” Shelly added.
“It sounds like he just needs some time. Keep being there for him. You’re doing the right thing.” Don reassured me with a gentle hand squeeze.
“Where are they today?” Betty asked. “Not at the hospital, I hope.”
“No. They’re home. His dad’s health is going to be up and down for a while, according to the doctors.”
“And where’s the Brodster? I thought he was coming to dinner with you.” Don always liked having another male around to balance out the estrogen.
Shelly sighed dramatically. “His sister is in town with her tribe of kids, so he said he would stop by after for pie.”
“Mm pie.” I could drool at the thought of Betty’s homemade pumpkin pie.
“Maybe you could take some pie over to your boyfriend’s house later.”
I shot Betty a look. There was no question where Shelly got her persistence from.
“What? It would cheer him up. I think it’s a nice gesture.”
“Pie is a sign of peace,” Don stated with a smile.
After being with Chase so much these past few months, it was weird barely speaking the way we were now. If we were working, we were in our designated corners trying to keep up with the flow of customers. If we were at the hospital, we were with his family. When I wasn’t thinking about the fight, I was thinking about the kiss. It was an unmerry-go-round of torture, and all I wanted to do was get off.