Page 87 of Collision
Khloe ran back inside.
“Tanner?” I called to him as he trotted down the stairs. “Is Chase home, too?”
“He said he was taking a nap.”
I nodded as I watched him disappear around the front of the house.
“Hurry up, Merry! Your pancakes are getting cold.”
I closed the door and returned to the table. Again, I checked my phone. No new messages.
We finished eating in silence. I was grateful to not have to answer any more questions about death.
“Can I help you wash the dishes?” Khloe asked as we cleaned off the table.
“I’ll do them later. Thanks for offering, though. You have such great manners.”
She smiled so big, I could see every tooth in her mouth. Her smile was contagious, and I felt my cheeks pushing up, too.
“Let’s get you home.”
She held my hand with her tiny human fingers as we walked up to the front door of her house. She hesitated before reaching her hand out to the doorknob.
“Will daddy be home?” Her wide eyes blinked up at me.
I knelt down in front of her. “No, babe. He stayed at the hospital.”
“When will I see him again?”
My heart shattered. “Probably in a few days, at the funeral.”
She nodded, her eyebrows furrowed again.
“We don’t have to go inside yet if you’re not ready. You tell me what you want to do.”
She squared her shoulders, and turned to face the door. “I’m ready.”
I pushed open the door and we stepped inside, together.
“Is that you, my Kokomo?” Beverly appeared from the kitchen.
Khloe ran to her and hugged her leg. “I helped Merry make pancakes!”
“Wow. I bet they were delicious.”
“They were. I flipped them and everything.”
Beverly looked at me with a tired, grateful expression. “Thank you so much for watching her.”
I waved my hand. “It was my pleasure. I can watch her any time you need me.”
“Khlo, why don’t you go up to your room to play? I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
“Bye, Merry!” She waved her tiny wave, and ran up the stairs.
Beverly rubbed her eyes. “I really appreciate your help.”
“I mean it – I will watch her any time. She had some questions. I wasn’t sure how to answer them.”