Page 23 of Trick or Truce
I give her a nod. “Come on. Let’s get you guys home.”
Romeo bounds into the back seat with his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth.
Noah scoots into the back with him. “I’m sorry about the dog hair in advance. He sheds like crazy.”
“It’s fine. Nobody ever sits back there.”
When we pull onto our street, Noah lets out a long groan at the same time I spot her father in front of his house. He’s wearing a worried expression on his face, much like the one his daughter wore not twenty minutes ago when she couldn’t find her dog.
“Everything is okay. We have Romeo, and you’re both safe.”
She scoffs. “You don’t know my father.”
I laugh. “Oh, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him.”
Noah’s cheeks burn and her eyes drop to her lap.
I pull into Grant’s driveway and blow out a breath between my lips, attempting to calm my nervous belly.
Show time.
Noah opens her door first and Romeo leaps out and jumps up with his paws on his chest.
Grant staggers backward and glares at me through my window as he rips open my door. “What the fuck are you doing with my daughter?”
I slide out of the seat. “I was—”
“Why. The fuck. Are you with. My daughter?”
I gesture to the dog. “I was—”
“You want to play your little pranks on me, go ahead. But you don’t come near my daughter, do you understand me?” He stabs the air with his finger. “Stay away from her.”
I plant my hands on my hips. “I was helping her. You would know that if you’d let me finish my goddamn sentence.”
He grits his teeth. “No more games. Just leave us alone.”
“Dad, stop.” Noah steps between us. “This is my fault. I lost Romeo. He ran out of the house and I couldn’t find him, and she pulled over to help.” She turns to me and wraps her arms around my waist.
I falter back a few steps, not expecting the hug.
“I was so rude to you and you helped me anyway.” She sniffles. “Thank you so much.”
I meet Grant’s eyes as I place my palm on the back of his daughter’s head, holding her in my embrace. “I was happy to help. I’m glad we found Romeo.”
Grant watches us with his unwavering stony expression. His chest heaves as he sucks in breath after breath, looking like he’s about to blow a gasket.
Noah’s shoulders shake as she cries. “I’m so sorry I stole your candy bowl. I have it still, you know. I glued it back together. When you stole Mr. Bubbles, I thought it would be fun to prank you back. But it must suck for you because you didn’t ask for any of this. I’m sorry.” Her head jerks back as she looks up at me. “I don’t even know your name.”
I smile. “It’s Lenny.”
She buries her head in my coat again. “I’m sorry, Lenny.”
“It’s okay. Your dad and I are the grown-ups here. We could’ve both handled this much better.” I glare at him when I toss out the word both. “You remember what I said in the car? People make mistakes.” I pry myself from her grip and hold her out in front of me. “Let’s call this a truce, okay?”
“Yes. Definitely.” She nods before glancing at her father. “Right, Dad? Truce.”
His jaw muscles pop. “Get the dog inside, Noah. And leave your iPad on the kitchen table. You’re grounded.”