Page 26 of Trick or Truce
She laughs around the food in her mouth. “Come on. Admit it. Lenny is super pretty.”
I’m not admitting shit…at least not to Noah.
Butprettyis an understatement for my pain-in-the-ass neighbor. Before our encounter on Halloween, I’d appreciated her beauty from afar. I’d stolen a glance or two, fighting the urge to help her with her lawn when she was overwatering it, or carry in the groceries for her. She talks to everyone in the neighborhood—everyone but me—and as much as that has always bothered me, I know it’s for the best. My focus needs to be on my daughter, not the curvy hips and thick thighs across the street.
Noah takes a sip of water and glances at me over the rim of her glass. “She was really nice to me, Dad.”
I grunt. “Good. She’d better be.”
I blowout a long stream of breath through my lips.
Then I reach out and press my finger to the doorbell.
The things we do for kids.
The red door opens wide enough for Blondie to stick out her head. “Is Noah okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. I—”
The door shuts in my face.
Here we fucking go.
I tap my knuckles against the door this time. “Would you let me say what I came here to say?”
“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Look, I’m not here to fight.”
“Then what do you want?”
“For you to open the door so I can apologize to your face.” I glance down at the foil-covered plate in my left hand. “And to give you this peace offering.”
The door splits open. Her hair is tied up in a bun on top of her head and her cheeks are tinged with a pretty pink. A black sports bra hugs her chest, propping her tits up like they’re on display, and a sliver of her stomach is exposed before disappearing underneath high-waisted spandex pants that cling to her soft curves.
Damn, she is thick and sexy as hell.
“I just got home from the gym and I’m dying to take a shower.” She eyes the plate in my hand, her eyes darting from it to me. “What do you want?”
I clear my throat. “Noah said you used your steak to entice Romeo to come to you, so I wanted to replace it.”
Her eyebrows hit her hairline. “You made me a steak?”
I nod. “It’s still warm. I just put it on the grill.”
“And you think I’m going to eat somethingyoucooked?” She huffs out a laugh. “What did you do to it? Arsenic? Season it with a laxative? Spit on it? Rub it against the ground? Wipe your ass with—”
“I didn’t do anything to it. You can ask Noah.”
She takes the plate from me and peels back the foil on one side. “This actually looks good.”
“Like I said: It’s a peace offering.”
She chews her bottom lip before she responds. “Just to be clear, I’m only taking it because I was really looking forward to my leftovers.”
She plants one hand on her hip and lifts her chin. “All right. Let’s get this apology over with.”