Page 41 of Trick or Truce
He pushes off the car and walks across my grass. “You haven’t answered any of my calls or texts.”
“And I don’t have to. That’s the beauty of divorce.”
“I feel like you’re ignoring me on purpose. And I get it. I do.”
“Do you?” I pause by the mailbox, tapping my finger against my chin. “Tell me, when were you cheated on by your spouse? I didn’t realize you’d be able to commiserate.”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Don’t be difficult, Len.”
I cough out an incredulous laugh. “Difficult? You’re the one stalking me right now. This is my house, and I have every right to be here for as long as I want.”
“I need the money. Half of this house is mine, and I’m ready to sell it.”
“Well, I’m not.” I push into his space and poke his chest with my index finger. “You don’t get to tell me when I sell this house. I could live here forever if I want to, and you won’t see a dime from it.”
He clenches his jaw. “You’re not listening to reason. This house is too big for you living here all by yourself.”
“The paperwork says that you get half of the houseif and whenI sell. You showing up here to harass me over it isn’t part of the contract.”
He rolls his eyes. “Oh, stop being dramatic. I’m not harassing you.”
“You’re showing up at my house—my house, not yours—trying to bully me into selling this house just so you can get half. What’s the matter, you need to buy a ring for Melanie? You two going to get married so you can fuck around on her too?”
He strides toward me, and I slip off the curb trying to back away. I bounce onto my ass and Neil doesn’t even offer me a hand to help me up.
I glare up at him, but his eyes widen as he backs up a couple of steps.
The next thing I know, I’m being lifted off the ground and set on my feet.
“Are you okay?” Two large hands cup either side of my face, and I blink up into dark-brown eyes.
“Tell me you’re hurt so I can break this guy’s wrist.”
“I…I’m fine. What are you doing here?”
He spins around and shields me behind him. “Get back in your stupid fucking car and drive away. Now.”
Neil holds his hands up in front of him. “I’m just having a conversation with my ex-wife. This doesn’t concern you.”
Grant’s eyes darken.
Oh, shit.
Grant stalks toward him and grips the collar of his shirt. “I come home and find her on the ground with you standing over her? I’d say that concerns me a whole-fucking-lot.”
“I didn’t lay a finger on her. She slipped off the curb and—”
“Andyou’rewhat she was backing away from when she fell. So, here’s what I’m going to do.” Grant drags Neil into the street, still holding onto his collar. “I’m going to give you five seconds to get back into your car and get the fuck out of here. After five seconds, I won’t be so generous with my patience.” He slams Neil against his driver’s side door. “Five…”
“You don’t understand why I’m here. I’m just trying to—”
“If you would listen—”