Page 59 of Trick or Truce
“Are you okay, Dad?”
I glare at my daughter. “I’m fine. Why do you two keep asking me if I’m okay?”
“Your eye twitches every time we put an ornament on the tree.” Noah places a red ball way too close to a green one. “See? It happened again.”
I slap my palm over my twitchy eye. “I’m just tired. Someone in this room woke me up at the ass-crack of dawn.”
Romeo whimpers and lowers his head, not making eye contact with me.
“He can’t help it.” Elena scratches behind his ears. “He was excited to decorate for Christmas.”
“AndIwas excited to sleep in on my day off.”
“There’s Christmas music playing.” Noah plants her hand on her hip. “You can’t be grumpy when there’s Christmas music.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s exactly why I’m grumpy.”
Elena’s eyes widen. “You don’t like Christmas music?”
I almost laugh. She looks horrified as if I just told her that I worship Satan.
“The Grinch is more his style.” Noah sifts through the tub we took down from the attic. “There’s a Grinch ornament in here somewhere.”
Elena saunters over to me and bounces onto the couch beside me. “The Grinch’s heart grows at the end of the movie, you know.”
I smirk. “All because of a pesky little blonde.”
She jabs me in my ribs. “Are you calling me pesky?”
I resist the urge to grip her hips and pull her on top of me. “Never.”
She gives me a playful roll of her eyes. “Mhmm.”
“How was Thanksgiving with your mother yesterday?”
“She has her good days and bad days, and sometimes she doesn’t recognize me.” Elena picks at a thread sticking out of her sweater. “Yesterday was a good day. I enjoyed spending the time with her.”
I squeeze her knee. “Maybe Noah and I can come with you one day.”
Her eyebrows perk up. “Really?”
“I’ve been reading about Alzheimer’s and it said that visitors can cheer them up and keep them occupied.”
Elena blinks. “You’ve been reading about it?”
I nod. “I have.”
She covers my hand with hers, staring at me with wide eyes like she’s in disbelief. “That’s really…sweet.”
I suppose I can’t blame her for being surprised. I’ve been taking myself by surprise lately too. Instead of pushing Elena away, I keep opening myself up and letting her in further. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I know that I can’t seem to help myself where she’s concerned.
“Noah saved you a slice of my mother’s pie.” I glance over at her on the floor. “Did you find the tree topper in there yet?”
“No, but I found this.” Noah stares down at a small white envelope.