Page 14 of Protector
“Well, that’s lame.”
Not joking, she rolls her fucking eyes at me. Luckily, we’re saved by the ding of the elevator opening to Ivy’s suite. She’s waiting for us in a soft pink robe with her hair pulled up. I love her face without makeup. Probably, because I hardly ever see it.
“Are you okay?” she asks Luna with a weary sigh. Her sister nods. The two hug. Ivy so much shorter than her older sister yet leagues above her.
“Yep, sure am, thanks to your boy here,” Luna says, gaining me Ivy’s full attention. Her eyes snap to me. A flash of heat passes between us, and she can’t look away.
“Thank you,” she mutters, but it’s full of heat as her eyes seem to dance with remembrance of her earlier actions. While she screamed my name. Her big, ugly bodyguard. Standing here now, the fantasy seems too good to have been true.
“Oh, I get it now.” Luna’s voice cuts through the lust haze. “You two have a thing. That’s why you turned me down.” She stands there, arrogantly nodding. “I can respect loyalty.”
I expect Ivy to correct her. Tell her there’s nothing between us, but she doesn’t.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone then. Night.” Luna dances off down the hall.
“Thank you again for bringing her home safely.” Her sad words sound like an apology.
Anything you wish, I want to say. I want to be smooth and swoop her off her feet.
“Of course. Anything else?” Is what comes out of my mouth.
I watch her, soaking in every second I have before she dismisses me.
“Would you like to stay awhile? Maybe, watch a movie?”
Her questions are the last thing I expect. She wants me to stay?
“Off duty,” she follows up then shyly tucks a wild blonde hair behind her ear. The gesture is so sexy and cute. My fingers itch to reach out, but I keep my cool. At least, on the outside. Inside, I’m going fucking crazy. Celebrating like a mad man.
“I would love that.”
Her nerves seem to settle for the moment, and she smiles with a confirming nod. When she turns, I follow, but what we walk in on baffles both of us.
My heart drops to my stomach and burns in the acid as I catch my sister setting up a camera in the living room.
“What are you doing?” I ask, although it suddenly feels as if I’m finally seeing things clearly. My sister is betraying me. She’s the one who recorded me before.
“Um, nothing. Just gonna grab this blanket.” She grabs for my cheetah-print blanket in a weak attempt to cover her actions, but the camera is still out in plain site.
I had completely different plans for tonight. Ones that involved getting closer to Harris, but Luna and I are far overdue for a long talk.
“Liar. We can see the camera, Luna.”
“What camera?” She turns to look behind her as if she didn’t place the square wireless camera on the TV stand. “Oh, this. It’s not a camera.”
“Stop lying. Holy fuck, Luna, just stop. I’m so tired of you lying and gaslighting and making excuses about anything and everything, so you don’t have to take responsibility for your own terrible actions.”
Her face drains of color. No one talks to her this way. After our mom died, everyone in our family spoiled us, then we grew up and became rock stars. Men fought to ask us out. Woman screamed our praises constantly. It’s hard to stay humble, and I’ve never held my sister to unrealistic expectations but I’m tired of being taken advantage of.
“Whatever trouble you got yourself into tonight, you’re on your own. I’m done being your bitch. You have zero respect, and I’m fucking done taking it. I no longer trust you, so you’ll have to go downstairs and get yourself a room. You’re my sister, and I love you, but I don’t want to see or hear from you for a while. Go get your shit together, and when you’re better, I’d love to talk. Until then please get out.”
Luna blinks at me for several moments. I’m not sure if she’s more surprised by my courage or if it’s because Harris is here, but either way, she nod, picks up the stupid fucking camera and her big purse and leaves down the hallway.
We wait until the elevator dings twice, telling us Luna is finally gone, and when I turn, he rushes for me with open arms. Tears spring to my eyes as I bound into him. My arms wrap around his neck, and he squeezes me to his chest, pulling me up off the ground.