Page 18 of Beards and Babies
Shit, my hearts sinks. I want more than anything to be the man by her side, but her very protective brother might already be chosen, and I won’t fight either of them on the decision if that’s what she feels is best.
The whole room looks to Robin for the answers.
“Milo,” she starts, and for a moment, my heart sinks in disappointment. “Soren is the father of my child. He deserves to be here, no matter how mad you are him. I want him here with me. You will forever be my big brother, and I love you for everything you’ve done for me through this crazy pregnancy, but we can do this. We’re going to be more than okay. I promise.”
The sibling stare at one another for a moment. Crestfallen, Milo merely nods his understanding and turns to me. Without a word or his usual scowl, he gives me a nod that seems to convey an understanding. I take the win and thank him as he leaves. He stops at the door but doesn’t turn back. At least, I know he heard me.
Another contraction makes Robin scream again and I force myself to put on a brave face.
When I get back to my girl’s side, she’s in more pain than ever.
“Drugs! Drugs, please!” she begs.
“It’s too late. I’m sorry, Robin. Your baby is coming. I have faith in you. Everything is going to go smoothly, and soon, you’ll be holding him,” her doctor, a nice older woman with red hair, tells her, taking a seat between Robin’s legs. She’s scrunched, knees up and feet back, while she pushes. I encourage her, kiss the back of her hand, and pray. It’s all I can do. That and admire her strength.
“You’re my favorite super hero, Robin. Push, baby. Bring your sidekick home to us,” I tell her, and then she screams again, turning red, pushing our baby into this world. Seconds later, a high-pitched scream fills the room. This time, it’s our son crying with healthy lungs.
“It’s a boy!” the doctor announces, and a few nurses cheer.
Joy fills the room, even though it’s all real fucking blurry right now. My emotions sit on my eyelids as I stare at the most unbelievable core memory of my life.
He looks like a squishy potato, but I love him already.
Robin’s painful cries turn to real tears as she loses her breath at the sight of him.
He’s placed on her chest, and we both gape at the beautiful boy we’ve been blessed with.
It’s the best day of my entire life, and I owe it all to the strong woman staring at me with so much adoration I fear I’m falling too fast. There is so much to learn about each other, and we just added raising a child to the mix of life. Plus her brother still hates me.
Surprisingly, though, the same adrenaline that fills me before each dive or protest or fight against a raging storm at sea hits me now. I have a huge adventure ahead of me. The best part is the amazing, smart, spunky as fuck woman beside me will do it all with me. I’ve learned so much from her already, and I’m looking forward to each milestone, making memories for the rest of our lives.
I’m such a lucky man.
“It’s now or never,” I tell Soren as Milo enters the room.
The day has already been one for the books, but I have a suspicion we’re nowhere near done crying.
Meno comes to my side first and gushes on my son’s cuteness.
For a bowling ball, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I loved him at first scream. It made my ears split, but I knew instantly I would die for him. Walk into a burning building, stab someone who looks at him wrong, all the mama bear instincts instantly.
Then I saw the moment Soren fell for him, too. I looked away from my tiny human to see his father’s reaction and knew he loved him the same. The three of us sat in the moment for what seemed like hours, and we decided on our son’s name.
“He’s so perfect. Like the cutest baby on earth,” Meno sobs at first sight.
I nod, knowing it’s exactly true. He is perfect. Gray-blue eyes and dark fuzzy hair. Ten tiny fingers and ten more toes.
“How much did he weigh? How tall is he? Oh my gosh, what did you guys decide to name him?”
Here’s the moment we were waiting for. It feels weird because my brother still hasn’t comes to terms with me and Soren, but Soren and I talked about it, and we know it’s right.
I start answering Meno’s questions. “This sweet boy weighs eight pounds, ten ounces and is twenty-one inches tall.”
Then I look to Soren to announce his name. Soon, my parents will be here, and Soren’s will be flying in tomorrow. This is our chance to tell Milo how much he means to us and how we’ll always love him. I’m worried my brother is feeling left out, as if he’s lost his best friend and me. I might be his annoying sister, but we’re close. And I’m fighting for us, damn it.