Page 51 of Fanged Interest
It was a hopeless battle. We were far outnumbered by Jeremy’s forces. If we didn’t come up with a plan soon, we wouldn’t make it out alive. And even if we did, there would be no Leyore Clan to govern.
We reached Sigrid’s bedroom and I threw the door open with Sky hot on my heels.
Sigrid’s bedroom was still, the twins’ pajamas neatly folded on the bed in preparation for their bedtime.
“They’re not here!”
I whirled in circles, throwing open wardrobe doors and hauling furniture out of the way. But the room was empty. “They’re not fucking here!”
I sent a chair flying, roaring as my fear and frustration bubbled over. It shattered against the mirror above the makeup desk, fracturing the glass and splitting my reflection into fragmented, jagged pieces.
“Jordan, wait!” Sky grabbed my arm as I lifted a fist, poised to take a swing at that disheveled reflection. “River must have seen this coming! She would have taken them to safety.”
I felt a flicker of hope at her words and let my arm fall to my side. Sky was right, River would have foreseen this attack. She may not have had time to warn us, and considering her scent lingered around the room, she was most likely still hanging around, keeping the twins out of sight.
Guided by instinct, I spotted the wardrobe in the far corner and walked over to it. Behind me, Sky shut the door, bolting it shut and cutting out the sounds of battle that radiated from outside.
I examined the wardrobe, noting the slightly darker patch of paint on the wall on one side, as if the entire piece of furniture had been moved slightly to the right.
“One of Sigrid’s hidden passages,” I whispered, hope blossoming in my chest as I hauled the wardrobe aside. “She uses these to get around the manor when she doesn’t want company.”
Sky helped me move the bulky wardrobe, revealing a cramped, dark tunnel behind it. “Jordan, your mother is so creepy.”
“I know.” I sniffed the air, picking up River’s scent as well as the familiar fragrance of cupcakes. “They definitely went this way. This route should lead them to the back of the building.”
Clutching Sky’s hand, I led her into the cramped tunnel. Her human eyes couldn’t see much in the dark, but I could see well enough to guide the both of us.
“What about the rest of the coven?” Sky asked breathlessly, as she stumbled along beside me. “They won’t be able to hold out for long.”
“We’ll come back for them,” I reassured her, the lie bitter on my tongue. Only one of us would be going back out there. And it would not be my mate.
Inside the claustrophobic tunnel, the clamor of the battle outside became distant, replaced by a fleeting moment of calm. It was a moment to breathe, to collect my thoughts, and to steel my resolve.
Sky fell silent as we navigated the labyrinthine passages, and I could hear her heart pounding a staccato beat in her chest. The sounds of battle echoed dimly in the background as we pressed on. Eventually the air grew heavy with the scent of blood and the eerie growls of advancing creatures.
The heckles on the back of my neck rose, as a new scent became apparent in the cramped tunnels. “Someone else has found an entrance,” I murmured, instinctively nudging Sky behind me as we pressed on. “Stay close. And be ready.”
Shadows flickered somewhere ahead, candlelight casting an otherworldly glow. My grip tightened on the dagger in my hand, all of my senses on high alert.
With each turn my unease intensified, guilt twisting in my gullet at what I had to do.
My attuned instincts led us to a small antechamber. River, her eyes filled with a fierce determination, stood guard at the entrance, fangs bared and muscles tense. She hissed at our approach, before catching my scent and bounding over to wrap her arms around me. “I thought we’d lost you for good! I was trying to get these two out of here by the time Jeremy arrived. There was no time to warn you.”
“You have the twins?” I gripped her shoulders, nearly shaking the poor woman in my desperation.
River tilted her head towards the small chamber. “They’re fine. I had them hide there when I heard your approach.”
Peering inside, I spotted a flicker of movement—Hazel and Hilda, huddled together in a corner, wide-eyed with fear. Relief washed over me as I leaned against River and Sky rushed to their side, pulling them into a tight embrace. “Thank god you’re okay!”
“We need to get them out of here.” I turned to my companion, ears pricking at the sounds of violence that echoed through the walls. “This path should take us straight to the courtyard out back.”
River nodded, helping Sky to her feet with the twins in tow. “Dylan is already waiting with the car. Sigrid made it out too.”
As the battle raged outside, we gathered the trembling toddlers, guiding them through hidden passages, seeking a path to safety. The twins clung to Sky, their tiny hands gripping her dress as we navigated the treacherous terrain.
The tunnels stretched on forever, the shadows growing darker and the descent steeper. The snarls of the monsters were closer and I felt Sky shiver beside me. My heart raced, but I refused to let fear consume me. Not yet. Not until everyone I loved was safe. I had faced adversity before and emerged stronger. And I would protect my family at all costs.
“Wait.” River halted, scooping Hazel up into her arms as she listened intently. “Something’s out there.”