Page 11 of Pure Evil
He says nothing and presses the door to the elevator and ushers me inside.
As we travel down, we do so in silence. There is no easy conversation, no general chat, just cold, sobering, silence.
He returns me to the seat outside her office and leaves as quickly as he came, and I try to steady my heart that is racing frantically as I consider what happened.
I grip my purse a little tighter because everything I own in the world is inside it and wonder what my Plan B is because I was so assured Plan A would work out. It still might and as the office door opens, I peer hopefully at Miss. Sinclair who exits with a smile.
“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting, Purity. It took longer to arrange your position.”
She points inside her office, and I follow her inside, hopeful she has a different kind of occupation in mind.
Once again, I take the seat in front of her, and she fixes me with a bright smile.
“Good news. I managed to secure you a position that comes with accommodation.”
It’s a little like Deja Vue, but I smile politely, and she says briskly, “We can head over there now. They are preparing your room. It’s a nice house in a quiet area that is clean, and you will have your own room with ensuite facilities.”
She takes my silence as agreement and smiles. “The job itself is an easy one. Hosting parties for influential people and arranging entertainment, food and making sure they have everything they require.”
She leans forward and says with a wink. “You will be sharing with four other women. It will be fun. They are great girls, and it will be a blast. The money is basic because you are provided with food and lodgings, but the real money is in the tips.”
“Tips?” I’m not sure what she means, and she laughs softly. “The visitors have a lot of money and if they are happy with the service they receive, they pay well. Make them happy and you are happy. I’m almost certain a pretty young girl like you will make a killing, so all that remains is to welcome you to our family.”
I’m a little confused, but she is being so nice it would be rude to question her and as I weigh up my two options, I prefer hers. At least I would be with other women, a kind of freedom I’ve never enjoyed until now, and that man scares the hell out of me. I’m almost positive I’ll take Miss. Sinclair up on her offer and so, as she stands, I do too, and she nods toward the door. “Shall we go? It’s not far.”
“Excuse me, Miss. Sinclair.”
She stops as I speak, and I say with an anxious smile. “I wonder if I may have thirty minutes to think this through.”
“What’s there to think about?”
She appears genuinely confused and I feel a little foolish even asking.
“It’s just, well, I could use the bathroom. It’s been a long day already.”
She nods, glancing at the gold watch on her wrist and it strikes me how polished and assured she is. There is not anything out of place on Miss. Sinclair and that was partly why I wanted to take her up on her offer. When I met her in Heaven, I was mesmerized. I had never met a woman like her before and it made me re-evaluate my own life. She is the reason I’m here because if I get one wish in life, it’s that I become half the woman she is.
I wait for her response and with a deep sigh, she says in a rush. “Okay. I have some work I need to catch up on. I’ll meet you in reception in thirty minutes’ time.”
She flashes me a soft smile. “This is a good opportunity, Purity. You would be a fool to pass it by.”
I smile gratefully and head back to the elevator, praying I remember the way back to the reception.
As I take the short journey, I try to make sense of my jumbled thoughts. Two offers of employment, but very different to the one I had in mind. I have nothing to compare them to and I am running out of time. The scary man told me I wasn’t qualified for office work. Maybe organizing parties would be more interesting, anyway and female company would be better than his—surely.
The doors open and I head back into the marbled reception area and waste no time in heading over to the polite receptionist, who smiles as I approach.
“Excuse me, ma’am, but may I leave a note for someone?”
“Of course.”
She slides a pad of paper across the desk with a pen and as soon as I begin to write, I feel like an idiot. The pen hovers in mid-air and I say apologetically. “I didn’t catch the name of the man I just had an interview with.”
“A man?”
She looks confused. “I thought you were being interviewed by Miss. Sinclair.”
“I was, but while I waited, another man told me to follow him, and I was shown to an office where a rather frightening man was waiting.”