Page 94 of Pure Evil
He kisses me softly and I swear my heart flutters every fucking time. I love the gentle moments with him almost as much as the passionate ones and there are a lot of those. Killian Vieri is a passionate man, despite his blank expression that he hides it behind. An enigma, a dark soul and a thousand personalities.
I never know which one will return home every night and I’m discovering I’m addicted to all of them. He has a softer side that I love, but the darker side of him excites me too. It would take a hundred lifetimes to work this man out, which makes for a very interesting relationship.
As we kiss, it’s like the first, every fucking time, and my heart melts when he devotes his entire attention to me. I feel as if I’m the only thing in his world when he holds me tenderly and whispers loving words in my ear. When he kisses me with deepening passion and groans at my touch, those are the moments I cherish. He tells me often enough that he can’t get enough of me, and I feel exactly the same.
Any doubts I ever had left me the moment I thought I had lost him, and it made us both wake up to what is important in our lives. Our family.
Now we are heading to meet mine and as I pull back, I say sadly, “Don’t expect much, Killian. They hide their emotion behind disinterest. They always have.”
“I can relate to that.” He says huskily, as he kisses my lips once more and as his arms fold around me and he deepens the kiss, he chases away the fear inside me because with him beside me, how can I possibly fail?
* * *
I am holding tightlyonto Killian’s hand as the cars pull up in the yard. The familiar white wooden house, causing me to doubt everything.
We shouldn’t have come. It’s as if the angels are pulling me back, telling me that some things are best left in the past, but I disagree. I want answers because I have discovered my childhood was built on a lie and for a man who preached honesty, my father didn’t practice what he preached.
Saint opens the door and Killian smiles. “Showtime baby.”
He pulls me out with him, and I swallow hard when I notice the men who came with us are lining the route in. They are set at intervals around the house and if this doesn’t scare the shit out of my family, they are bigger monsters than I thought.
We walk up the wooden steps to the veranda and as we reach the top, the door flies open and my heart drops when I see my father standing there.
“What–” He stares at me in disbelief, and I note the derision in his eyes as he witnesses Killian’s hand in mine and then the blood drains from his face when he realizes whose hand I am holding.
For the first time in my entire life, I see real fear in my father’s eyes.
“Mr. Vieri. Sir. This is an honor.”
Killian snaps, “Don’t you want to welcome your daughter home first, Elijah?”
He swallows hard at the venom in Killian’s voice and turns to me with a dismissive. “So, you’re back.”
I gasp as Killian drops my hand and steps forward in a flash, grabbing my father by the neck and pushing him hard against the wall, causing him to gag as he hisses, “You will speak to my wife with respect, or you never get to speak at all.”
A slight movement from the kitchen drags my attention away from the sight before me and I note the ashen face of my mom staring at us with fear in her eyes.
“Mom.” I step toward her, and she whispers fearfully, “You shouldn’t have come back, Purity. You are not welcome here.”
“But…” I’m shocked as Killian turns his attention to her, still holding my father by the throat, and I watch her lower lip tremble as she whispers, “We have nothing here for you. Please go.”
If anything, her reply makes Killian tighten his hold around my father’s neck and he growls, “You don’t get a choice, Mrs. Sanders, because guess what, this is judgment day.”
He releases my father, who drops to the floor choking, his hands closing around his neck as he struggles for breath and Killian nods to Saint who grabs him by the arm and pulls him after us in the direction of the kitchen.
I am shaking as I follow them, and Killian pulls out a familiar wooden chair for me to sit on before taking the one beside me.
Saint thrusts my father into the one opposite and stands behind him, and Killian points to the chair beside my father and says, “Sit.”
My mother drops into it with a frantic glance at her husband and Killian says in a dark voice dripping with intent, “I want the name of the organ grinder.”
“The what?”
My father appears confused and Killian leans forward and hisses, “A few years back, you were visited by my father Benito Vieri. He attempted to set up a deal for the opium you supply, and you refused his offer. Purity overheard you on the phone telling the person on the other end you wouldn’t deal with the monkey, only the organ grinder, so I will ask you again, who is the organ grinder?”
My father stares in disbelief and a small bead of sweat rolls down his face as he stiffens and falters. “I don’t…”
Killian’s fist thumps on the table, causing us all to jump, and he says darkly, “I would consider your reply very carefully, Elijah.”