Page 11 of Savage Start
I watched everything unfold while I shoveled food into my mouth. So good.
“Hey, darling.” She smiled and kissed Damon’s cheek like she had mine. “I thought I would cook you guys some breakfast.” She piled a stack of French toast onto his plate then pointed to a chair. “Have a seat.”
This was so weird, but I was happy. It’d been so long—years—since she’d been like this that I was afraid to finish my food in case she reverted to the version of herself we’d come to expect.
She poured herself a cup of coffee, added cream and sugar, then leaned against the counter as she sipped it. “How’s preseason practice going?”
“It doesn’t start for a few more weeks. But Damon and I’ve been working out. Running and lifting. We’ll be ready.”
Damon shoved another huge bite into his mouth, his gaze never leaving Mom while we chatted. I understood. It was like a rare glimpse of what life used to be like, and the fear that things would go back to our new normal was terrifying.
“Are you hoping to go to Thane after high school, too, Damon?”
His brows furrowed but then straightened. She should know the answer, but he seemed like he would give her a pass in light of the moment the three of us were sharing.
“Yeah, that’s the plan. Scouts will be out this year, and even though they can’t talk to me until next year, I know I’ll get recruited.”
“This is the year they can talk to me and that I can go on official visits,” I spelled out, in case she wasn’t aware of the Division 1 Football recruiting rules involving juniors. “Coach says they’ve been circling, and as soon as school starts, he’s got meetings with a bunch of them. But Thane scouts will be at our first game. They’ve already let Coach know who they’re watching.”
“I’m sure you boys will leave quite an impression.” She took another long sip before lowering the cup. “You know your father was invited to the NFL draft. He had several teams interested in him and would have played in the NFL if he hadn’t changed his mind at the last minute and chosen to open a law firm after college.”
“He never talks about that,” Damon murmured before spearing another two pieces of French toast from a platter Mom had placed on the island.
“It’s true. But his heart was set on having a family. I’m sure he hasn’t mentioned it because he loves you two. This was his choice—the right one. For me too. I love you both more than anything in the world.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but she held up a finger, not done talking.
“I’m very proud of you, and I know you will succeed and make your dreams come true. Don’t let anything stand in your way. And know that I want the world for you both. I love you more than I could even attempt to express.”
“We love you too, Mom,” I said, feeling the truth of every word deep in my heart.
“We do,” Damon chimed in.
“I know.” Her eyes misted, but she smiled. After setting her cup down in the sink, she cleared the empty plates from the island. “I have a favor to ask you boys.”
“Sure, what?” Neither of us had moved yet, and I was curious about what she wanted.
“Just one second.” She left the kitchen, and Damon swiveled toward me.
“I can’t believe how much better she is. What did you say to her last night?”
I shook my head, just as confused. “Nothing, really. Or nothing different. We watched a movie together and hung out. Talked. It was nice once she’d calmed down.”
Mom came back with an envelope in her hand. “I want both of you to deliver this to your dad.”
“He’s at a conference, though,” Damon protested.
As if we didn’t all know that. I wanted to roll my eyes, but I was trying to keep this moment conflict-free for Mom.
“Yes, I know. But this is very important and needs to be hand delivered to him by both of you,” she stressed again.
“What is it?” Damon asked.
Her lips curved, but the smile didn’t make it to her eyes. “It’s a love letter. We used to pass them back and forth all the time, and I want to get things back to where they were a long time ago.”
I knew Damon wouldn’t want to do as she asked, so I took the envelope from her. “I’ll deliver it.”
“No.” Her response was a little too abrupt, and I froze. “I want to surprise him, and he’ll be pleased to see you both. Don’t leave until he opens it.” She looked back and forth between us. “Make sure he reads it before you leave.”