Page 4 of Savage Start
The press of his big body sent a spike of desire as he pulled me close. I tilted my head back to look at him as his mouth slanted over mine. My world tilted. He commanded the kiss. My mind was a void. All I could do was feel. I lost myself in his taste, and a whimper escaped me that only fueled him more. So many sensations.
He devoured me, his urgency unmistakable. My body pressed against his, hypersensitive and responding to his every advance. When he broke off the kiss, we were both panting. In shocking increments, I realized what had happened. I’d lost control with one touch of his lips. Confused and shocked, I shoved away from him. I had to get out of there.
Racing down the stairs, I cursed myself the entire way. How could I have lost control like that? As I wove through drunken teenagers, I realized a truth I didn’t want to face. If I was going to give it up to a guy, it would be to someone like him. Dangerous. Sexy as hell and just as lethal. Distracting enough that I somehow managed to get caught stealing. That had never happened before. It wouldn’t happen again. I didn’t care how pretty he was.
Ileaned against the wall, the swell of drunken laughter and conversation intermingling with loud music as the little thief shoved her way through the crowd and raced from the house. We didn’t have many goth chicks at our school, but I didn’t recognize her. I bet she was from out of town or in the wrong place. My money was on the wrong place, as she sure as fuck didn’t know Phoenix. Although she had balls, lying about the fake relationship.
The drinks flowed, and I’d had plenty, but one thing was clear—I wanted more of that girl. Holy fuck, that kiss had been epic. What I wouldn’t give for a night with her.
My phone vibrated, breaking into my thoughts. Not once but several times. I was tempted to ignore it, but I knew before even looking who was blowing up my phone—Mom. The calls would start soon.
I looked at my phone. Huh? I’d obviously been oblivious to everything when I had the goth girl in my arms. There were no fewer than ten texts and three voicemails, all from Mom. This wasn’t the first time she’d gone nuts when our dad went out of town, but something told me—probably the sheer volume of texts—that this time was much worse. As if on cue, my phone rang again, and like the sucker I was when it came to her, I answered.
“Mom, everything all right?” I closed my eyes, leaning against the wall, knowing it wasn’t. Especially since Aunt Cece hadn’t been able to stop her from calling. Mom probably snuck her phone into the bathroom.
“Come home.” Mom’s voice was thick with tears. “I need you to take me to find your dad. He isn’t answering.”
“He’s at a dinner with colleagues,” I said, repeating the story Dad had told. “That’s the reason he isn’t picking up. Isn’t Aunt Cece there?”
“No.” Her voice rose, and I heard pounding on a door through the speaker. Then Aunt Cece demanded she come out of there. “That’s not why he isn’t answering. He’s with his secretary or that personal-assistant slut.”
I rubbed a tired hand over my forehead, pissed at Dad. He knew Mom was unstable and probably off her meds again. He’d told me he had to take clients out to dinner and then had meetings in the city. I didn’t give a shit if it was the truth this time. Mom was out of her mind tonight, and he should’ve been home to deal with her, not left it to me or Damon.
There was a shuffling sound, followed by Aunt Cece’s voice. “Hello?”
“It’s Cole.”
“Hey, Cole. I’ve got your mom. Don’t worry about anything.”
“Thanks, Aunt Cece.” But as I hung up, I couldn’t put the desperation in Mom’s voice from my mind. Damon and I needed to go home. Mom might calm down enough if she had us there.
I pushed off the wall, shoved my phone in my pocket, and went to search for my brother. I found him talking to some girl. Flashing the girl a tight smile, I grabbed my brother and whirled him around to face me. “We need to go.”
“What?” His eyebrows furrowed, and his expression changed from laid-back to annoyed. “Why? Because of Mom? She called, didn’t she?”
“Four times, and that’s not even close to how many she texted. She’s losing it, and it’s not fair to make our aunt deal with everything.”
“This is bullshit.” Damon tossed his drink back then threw the cup into one of the garbage cans we’d set up. “Mom and Dad need to get divorced and get it over with. They’ve been doing this since I was in second grade.”
“Whatever.” I was so sick of it. Damon and I were more than brothers. He was my best friend. We had each other’s backs on and off the football field. Except when it came to our parents’ drama.
“She’s probably making much more out of all this shit than necessary,” Damon said. “But Dad could’ve stayed home.”
Deep down, I didn’t think Mom was imagining anything. Dad cheated. It was what he did. Damon was in denial. “Let’s go. You can hook up with whoever that is another time.”
“You’re an ass.” Damon raised both middle fingers. “I’m not going. Dad is working, you selfish prick.”
I fisted his shirt in my hand, beyond pissed. “This isn’t just my mess, asshole. She’s your mom too.” Shoving him away, I sneered, disgusted that he wouldn’t leave. “Fuck it. I’m out of here.” If I stayed, Damon and I would exchange punches over him defending Dad and me doing the same with Mom. Truth was, there was no winner in this situation. Both of our parents were nightmares.
Who was Phoenix’s cousin? I had to know. After dreams of that kiss at the party plaguing my night, I woke up craving both him and another go at his lips. I needed to know his name before we ran into each other again, plus any other dirt I could find out.