Page 7 of The Rent Just Went Up
Her lips are perfection.
Her cheekbones high. Her eyes wide and innocent, staring back at me.
My blood is hot and racing through my veins as I reach around her and press my palm into the small of her back.
“Nomanin his right mind wouldevercheat on you, Erika,” I tell her. “Even if that manwasthe scum of the earth.”
I see her starting to blush, which only makes her cuter. There’s nothing this girl could do that wouldn’t make me even more attracted to her.
“Well, someone did,” she says, a temerity in her voice.
“That’s because he was not a man,” I tell her. “And he did not know what he had with you.”
She opens her mouth to reply, but before she can, I lean in and kiss her.
My parents fellin love when they were sophomores in high school. At least that’s what they told me. It was at the basketball finals game that my dad was playing in, and my mom was just so mesmerized by his talent (and the fact that he hit the winning shot) that she fell in love with him right there.
She approached him after the game, and according to my dad, he picked her out of all the girls who were throwing themselves at him because he justknewshe was the one.
Hejust knew…
Until he didn’t.
Erika’s lipsstill have a taste of rum to them, and even a hint on her smooth, soft tongue as I press mine against hers. It’s a bold move I’m making, and I know there’s a chance she could pull away (especially after calling me the scum of the earth), but she doesn’t. In fact, she kisses me back and presses into me as I place the palm of my hand against the small of her back.
She fits against me like a puzzle piece. I’m already imagining myself on top of her, her bent over and me taking her from behind, her straddling my face and me tongue-deep inside of her. Christ, I can’t remember the last time I was this hot for a woman—especially one I’d just met.
Like a soda can snapping open, I break our kiss and snatch her around the waist and toss her over my shoulder. She cries out, half-shocked, half-delighted, as I carry her to the front door.
“Oh my gosh, Malcom!”
“Mal,” I grunt as I use my keycard to open the door. “Call meMal.”
I’m in full-blown caveman mode as I enter my house. My house is now my cave. My business casual wardrobe is now just something stupid wecivilizedmen wear as part of the modern male bullshit-rituals we’re forced to go through in order to make money.
All I want to do now is strip myself free of all that and bang this gorgeous female senseless like I’m meant to do. Like naturewantsme to do.
My jaw is clenched as I carry her to the couch and toss her down beneath me. Her tits bounce beautifully, and I quickly toss my blazer aside like I couldn’t care less about it (because I couldn’t).
This seems to turn Erika on, and her eyes get even wider than they were a moment ago. I don’t even bother unbuttoning my shirt. I just grab it by the shoulders and shrug out of it like it’s scratching the hell out of me, tossing it in the same direction as my blazer.
“Holy shit,” Erika says simply. “Work out much?”
I shrug like my ego didn’t just inflate like a balloon with her mouth around the lip. “Once or twice when I was young.”
“Oh, you’re such a bullshitter.”
My cock is throbbing beneath my pants, but I’m not about to strip naked without getting her at leastsomewhatundressed with me.
I lean down and lift the hem of her shirt, exposing her flat, thin waist. She lifts her hips as I gently run my fingers across the warm, smooth, soft skin. I raise the shirt higher and higher until her bra is visible. I smile.
“This is one of those that clasps in the front.”
Erika just nods as I use the thumb and forefingers to undo it. The cups fall away, exposing the most gorgeous natural tits I’ve ever seen in my life (and probably ever will see).