Page 18 of The Comeback Tour
Ethan: Hey. You up for a run at the lake today? I’d love some company.
I feel guilty. I would totally meet Ethan to go for a run. I don’t want to brush him off immediately because he is a good guy and maybe there can be something between us again. But on the other hand, I didn’t feel fireworks in his arms. And at this stage in my life, I’m not going to settle for anything less than the grand finale. My tattoo reminds me of that each time I look at my wrist. So maybe it’s best not to lead him to think otherwise.
Me: Hey! Crazy day yesterday. Got a tattoo and a job offer. I’m actually starting my new gig remotely this morning. Have a great run!
That should suffice. I’m letting him know there was a reason for my ghosting, that I have social manners, and that I clearly have pressing matters that need my attention, so dating is not at the forefront of my mind.
Ethan: That’s amazing! Congrats. You’ll have to fill me in over dinner soon.
Welp. At least my communication skills are direct and confident at the office, if not in my personal life. I leave it at that with Ethan. I get dressed in a dark gray shirt that looks professional, but also music industry cool with its faux leather sleeves. My hair is straight and cascading over my shoulders, stopping precisely where my bold blue necklace lays across my collarbone. Today’s makeup look is a little extra, because I need to look good on camera. My blush and lipstick are heavier than I usually wear, but translate beautifully on video chat. I’m ready.
I click the link to my virtual meeting with Marisol. I’m set against a plain wall in my apartment, wishing I had the chance to hang scenic art.
“Cailin. Good morning and welcome.” Her background is a built-in bookshelf adorned with plants, books, photos, and other décor. “We’re so thrilled to have you on our team and excited for you to lead the Jax Slater account. I’m not sure how familiar you are, but this tour is a big deal for him since it’s his first solo album and tour apart from the band.”
“I’m so excited to be here and am very familiar with 5 Leo Hearts. I look forward to learning more about the campaign details.” I hope my smile hides the fact that I can recite every song on each album in chronological order.
“Great! We’re going to jump right in. Jax and his manager, Harry, will be joining us on this call. Carlos should be popping on soon, too. You and Carlos can connect afterwards and he can fill you in on his previous work with 5 Leo Hearts. Jax wants to announce his tour tomorrow. So this morning, you’ll be working with his manager to draft the official announcement for social media, along with the press release.”
My stomach begins to flip flop. “Everything sounds great.”
“I’ll let everyone into the meeting now,” Marisol says.
Slowly, everyone pops into chat. I see Jax Slater’s name appear, but his camera is turned off. I’m instantly disappointed, but maybe that’s better so I won’t awkwardly stare into his eyes. Harry and Carlos each say hello. I’m familiar with Harry because he’s in the media often and known for discovering new talent. He’s been a fixture in the music industry for years. It’s going to be an honor working on his team.
Suddenly, the black box formally titled “Jax Slater” disappears and Jax appears on camera. “Sorry about that,” Jax says. “My personal trainer made me do an extra set of push-ups and I called in from my cell. All set up on my laptop now. Morning, everyone.”
Jax Slater is on video chat with me. He’s glistening in sweat and my mind wants to drift towards visions of him doing push-ups, but I must stay focused on the present. Like how his broad shoulders look in that black tank top. And how his brown hair is ruffled from the morning and clearly not washed, yet still looks sultry. He’s growing a beard. Well, either that or he really needs to shave the stubble. Either way, I like it. His eyes are a deep blue and peer intensely across the screen. I wonder whose face on the chat he is focusing on, but then Marisol speaks and breaks my train of thought.
“No worries at all,” Marisol says. “I was just briefing my team. You already know Carlos, and I’d also like to introduce you to Cailin McCall. She comes to our firm with an award-winning background in public relations and is going to be leading your campaign. I know you will just love working with her.”
“Hi, nice to meet you,” I say. I can feel my face turn beet red. Probably didn’t need to apply that extra blush. “I’m really excited to work with you both. And I can’t wait to hear the new music.”
Jax’s eyes widen like he is surprised to learn he has a new publicist. He curls his lips upwards, but doesn’t get a chance to say anything because Harry eagerly jumps into the conversation. “Pleasure to meet you, Cailin. Marisol just sent over a link to your website this morning, and at first glance, your work is impressive. You’re just the creative and organized mind Jax needs.”
“Thank you. I’m ready to jump in wherever I’m needed.” I hope the redness on my face is reducing to a shade of strawberry.
“Sounds great.” Jax stumbles on his words. Even though we are miles away and looking at each other over video, I can feel like he’s trying to stare into my soul. His eyes have remained fixed on one spot of the screen and they didn’t move when he responded to me. Has he been staring at me?
More importantly, Jax Slater spoke to me. “Sounds great” never sounded so…surreal. But I’m not going to get distracted. My initial jitters are fading and I’m in full-on work mode. Right now, Jax Slater is just another client. Just another man. A jaw-droppingly hot man with morning scruff on his face, seriously sexy rumpled hair, and bulging muscles that I want wrapped around me. But I can never act on the instinct to touch him. One, because he's a pop star. Two, because he’s my client. Three, because I’m a professional with years of credibility that I can't throw down the drain for a man. Even Jax Slater.
Marisol directs the conversation. “Since we want to announce the tour tomorrow, our focus is on helping Jax create a social media post to announce the dates, and Cailin will also be drafting a press release for you both to review. I’ll send a formal email to everyone here so you all have each other’s contact information. We’ll be working closely together before tour kicks off to get things started, but once the tour is in full swing, Cailin will be on the road with you and act as your main point of contact.”
“Have you toured before, Cailin?” Harry asks.
“This will be my first official tour managing press, but if years of experience attending concerts count, I’m a pro. But don’t worry, I am ready to hit the road and will be stocked up on baby wipes.”
Oh my gosh, why did I say that? Now, my face, which I am pretty sure returned to its natural color, is rising back to red. I’m thankful that I made everyone laugh.
“Oh, Cailin, don’t worry. You’ll have hotel stops every night to shower,” Marisol says. “We’ll go over all those details, don’t worry. You’ll hardly be roughing it.” She waves her hand in the air and I girl crush on her poise, perfectly painted nails, and effortless power.
“Trust me, I’ve been trying to convince Jax to just use his private jet for this tour, but for some reason, he wants to get back to his roots—whatever that means—and suffer like an indie musician. I’ll never understand it.” Harry shakes his head.
Jax’s eyes move across the screen as he says, “And I keep telling Harry that I appreciate him trusting my gut on this one. I’ve spent more years in airports than I can count. I’m a professional traveler. It’s a luxury I’m blessed with for sure, but with all those opportunities, I’ve also missed a chance to really see the world the way everyone else sees it. Touring on a bus will allow me to interact with my fans more, give back to everyone who made my career what it is, and I’ll have a chance to explore each city. I want to eat the local food, breathe the fresh air, and get inspiration for new songs. You can’t get that when everyone is waiting on you hand and foot while flying on a private jet.”
He seems to have pulled himself together from the fluster he felt earlier. I was not prepared to hear such a down-to-earth statement come from one of the world’s biggest pop stars. And now, I fear my teenage crush has become my post-divorce crush.
“That makes a lot of sense,” I say. I watch Jax’s eyes dart back from their usual corner of the screen. What I am hoping is my corner. “In order to keep your art evolving, you need to experience new things in your life. You need to feel the highs and lows of not just your own world, but also draw on the feelings of others. Meet people, learn their stories. Feel their pain and happiness, put yourself in their shoes.” I fear I maybe went off on a tangent, but I can’t help it. With all the changes in my life, I’ve been very philosophical.