Page 42 of The Comeback Tour
And then, it happens. I get a text from Marisol across my phone. Fear runs through the pit of my stomach. I don’t want to read it. Yet, I have to know what it says. Not just for my job, but my sanity. I inhale a deep breath and muster up all the courage I have inside my body to click the message. The first text is just a link. Before I click to follow it, I read the text that follows.
Marisol: This is gold. Do you know about this mystery girl who left those lipstick marks on Jax? We can leverage this to get him even more attention. Everyone is going to want to know who she is. Do some digging! See if it’s a fling or a new relationship we can announce.
Welp, day one of tour and I just encountered my worst-case scenario.
Trash the Dress Online Chat
Mae:Trying to remind myself that things will get easier. But everyone around me seems to be celebrating getting engaged, having a baby, buying a house. And here I am living with my grandmother.
Cora:I hear ya. I wish I had family to turn to.
Walkingout onto the stage for the first time as a solo artist was just as scary as I predicted. Without Mario, Ridge, Jack, and Oliver on either side of me, all attention was on me for every move or potential mistake. If the fans didn’t enjoy the show, I would have no one else to blame. But I tried to push that out of my mind as I stepped onto the stage into the darkness and instead embraced the unknown. As soon as the spotlight turned on and I saw thousands of flashes from cell phone cameras go off, I knew I was going to have a great show. I fed off that energy the entire night.
I opened the show playing one of my new songs and it definitely caught my fans off guard. My bold and unexpected move left them in silence for the entire first song and when I strummed the final chords, a roar erupted from the audience. All the validation I needed happened in that moment. The audience cheered when I played every new song. They sang along to the 5 Leo Hearts anthems. These women nearly beat each other up competing for my attention when I picked a fan from the crowd to serenade.
After my final bow, I threw a towel over my shoulder and walked off the stage as a new man. I did an entire show on my own. I played guitar, sang songs I wrote, and performed them on stage for people. I no longer feel like an imposter. Right now, I feel like I’m an artist. An artist without a hit new single, but an artist nonetheless. Maybe tonight some of the A&R guys from the label will see the songs in a new light and come back and tell me we have a winner.
I take a few minutes to myself in my dressing room to catch my breath and cool down before going to the post-show meet-and-greet. I enter my room, close the door, and sit on the firm couch. As I grab and chug a bottle of water, I can’t help but continue to feel proud of myself.
The whole time I was performing, I had one person in mind that I wanted to make sure I did my best to impress. Not the fans, not the media, but Cailin. Feeling her eyes on me from the side of the stage was all I needed to stop worrying about everyone’s opinions.
Everything is going well when I speak to the media. I can tell they are genuinely happy for me and interested in what I’m doing now. It feels like everything is on track. But I’m also waiting for everything to derail.
Cailin’s lip prints on my neck. God, it felt amazing. I felt her kiss travel through my body. And yes, I wanted to take her to bed right there. Showing restraint isn’t easy for me, but I’m doing it because I know things will happen when the time is right. As in, when we’re both ready.
That kiss has the potential to stain not only Cailin’s reputation as a publicist, but the press surrounding me. I took a lot of photos with fans and reporters before Hayley pointed out the lipstick streaks. Who knows how many more photos are going to get posted? Starting off tour with my bad boy image intact is just what the public expected, and everything I didn’t want.
Now, I need to act like nothing is wrong and go meet the fans who purchased the VIP package. These are always my hardcore, longtime dedicated fans. Some of them, I have come to remember because they are quite loyal and come tour after tour, to multiple cities. They’ve baked me cookies and pies, made me photo collages, bought me teddy bears, and handed me sealed letters. I’ve gotten messages ranging from how 5 Leo Hearts music has helped them through hard times to marriage proposals. This is my first meet-and-greet in years and I’m curious to see who comes—those fans grown up or a new generation.
There’s only one way to find out. It’s time to put on my second performance for the night: the pop star who isn’t worried about negative feedback.
“Jax,” says Harry as he crosses paths with me in the hall. “I was just coming to find you. The meet-and-greet is about to start. Great turnout of sales for that package. We sold out all that we offered.”
“Amazing, I’m glad we kept it intimate. I’ll be able to talk to them longer and everyone should leave feeling seen.”
As I enter the backstage area, everyone freezes with excitement. Then, a round of applause breaks out and a flock of women circle around me. At first glance, it looks like these are longtime 5 Leo Hearts fans. I give each fan a hug and know that I just made their night. I enjoy these little acts of kindness and think it’s important to form connections with your fans. Some stars, like Maxine, never liked strangers touching them. Guess I never had that problem.
I search the room and see Cailin with Hayley and some of the band members. That’s a good sign. She’s not hiding on her bus.
A woman around my age approaches and introduces herself as Melissa. “My best friend and I followed 5 Leo Hearts everywhere. We even started a fan club in our school.” She blushes as she admits the level of her fandom.
“That’s awesome,” I tell her. “Is your friend here with you?”
“No,” says Melissa as her face drops. “We didn’t stay friends after high school. Life changes and all that. But I have new friends here with me today.”
Life changes for sure. Maybe my fans will be as receptive to the new album as I had hoped. Melissa introduces me to her friend, Daria.
“Hi, I’m Daria. This is baby Emery.” Daria points to her rounded stomach. “Her first concert. Can we take a photo?”
“Of course.” I put my arm around Daria and point to her belly, making sure to give her a photo she will cherish forever.
Melissa and Daria are my tame fans. They’re basically down-to-earth girls who understand that I’m simply human. On the other hand, there are fans like Aiden and Maria, who put me on a pedestal.