Page 45 of The Comeback Tour
“I thought you were amazing, and didn’t expect anything less. You’re going to make my job pretty easy.”
“Speaking of your job,” Jax says. I wonder if he regrets kissing me now that he’s had time to process. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
That’s what I needed to hear. “Me too. But I have to ask. Is this like, the first tour where you…” I’m not sure where I’m going, but I know what I’m trying to find out. “Like, do you hook up with girls on tour a lot? To pass the time?” There, I just spat it out. Blech.
“I know what you’re getting at, so we can just squash that right now,” Jax says.
I wish we were having this conversation in person. Or maybe not. Maybe I have more courage to ask these questions over the phone.
“I don’t want you to be someone I’m just passing the time with for the duration of this tour. I know it sounds a little crazy. But maybe that’s just me. I know maybe from your point of view, seeing me as like a celebrity or whatever, that it might seem like I can get whatever I want. And yes, I can. But I don’t want whatever I can get.”
“Like the Brendas?”
“Exactly. Like the Brendas. That girl has been all over me for years. I’ve flirted with her before just for fun, but I’m not interested.”
“I appreciate you telling me that. I wasn’t sure and it kind of threw me off when I heard her talking about you tonight.” Look at me, fully expressing my feelings without fear of what comes next.
“Like I told you before, from the first time I saw you on video chat, I just felt intrigued and wanted to get to know you better. I know we come from two different worlds, but we’re really not that far apart. The more I talk to you, the more I feel I can share with you and that you understand. You’re not out to be with me just because of who I am. If anything, I know being with me might cause you more problems. But I can’t deny how attracted to you I am and how I want to use this time on tour to get to know you.”
“I want to get to know you too, Jax. This whole experience so far has been incredible. I feel swept off my feet, like is this really my life right now? And that scares me because it’s almost too good. I could lose my job from the lipstick scandal. And what happens after tour?”
Did I just go there? Oh yes, I did.
“Neither of us knows what the future holds at this point. But I was talking to Harry about the lipstick thing. Don’t hate me, hear me out. Harry’s like my dad. I never had a dad, so he has stepped up and always been a father figure since he’s known me. He’s like that with all the 5 Leo Hearts guys, but especially me. He knew right away I’m into you and called me out on it.”
“He did?” This is my sign that Jax has legit feelings and I mean something to him.
“When he found out I texted you about the press release, he knew. He said I never text anyone else on the team. Harry usually speaks for me on email.”
“So, you usually aren’t so hands-on with your PR team?” I just need to confirm for my own confidence.
“Never. This is a little different because it’s a solo album and tour. I want to be more involved. But I also wanted more opportunities to talk to you. And once we started talking, things just took off. I forgot I was your client. I just wanted to be myself.”
“I’m glad you’ve had Harry as a male presence in your life. That must have been hard growing up.”
“I won’t lie. It’s where my rebellious mindset began. Never thinking I was good enough. If I was, maybe my old man would have stuck around, right? But my mom and grandma did the best they could raising me, and my mom gave up everything to help me chase my dreams. We lived with my grandma in this old house, built in the forties. Everything was so outdated. But we had all we needed.”
Picturing him as a little boy warms my heart. “I never knew that. I mean, obviously by now you know I followed 5 Leo Hearts a lot. Like, a lot. If we’re being vulnerable. But I never read that about you in interviews.”
“I knew it. You did have a crush on me back then.”
“Fine. Yes. You were my favorite. Now can we please move past this humiliating topic?”
“And now you made out with me.”
Look at this ego. He is too much sometimes and I love it. “And left a trail of lipstick on your neck, don’t forget.”
“It’s actually all I’ve been thinking about.”
“Me too. Marisol wants me to find out who the mystery girl is so we can leverage it for PR.”
“Of course she does. That’s why she’s one of the best in the business. She knows how to spin anything into attention for a client. But I’m guessing you’re freaking out.”
“To say the least. I just started this job. I’m starting in a new industry and I have to prove myself. So far, all I’m showing them is that I cross the line with their biggest clients.”
Tears well in my eyes and I feel disappointed in myself. But at the same time, I wish Jax was here to wipe them away and kiss my forehead. It’s like professional success is the angel on my shoulder, and love is the devil, provoking me. I’m torn between which one is better for me in the long run. The scary part is that there’s no way of knowing and I can’t do anything besides trust my instinct.
Jax takes a deep breath. “You have a lot riding on this, but you also proved that you can write press releases and social posts that capture interest. And all the headlines that are coming out are from media you got to attend. Plus, the entire night was flawless. Harry was very impressed. Not one person complained they weren’t on the list.”