Page 55 of The Comeback Tour
Cailin:Highly recommend career changes.
Cora:Would need a career first.
My first dutyas the girlfriend of Jax Slater is to learn how to manage interruptions. I have not yet had time to fully process the fact that I am now dating pop music royalty, however, the public only needs one second to register Jax from across the street before fans come rushing our way. By now, word has gotten out that Jax is in town and crowds have begun to form around us as we explore the city. Some people respect his privacy, but many think nothing of tapping him on the arms as we stroll and asking for a photo. I’m always the designated photographer, which I suppose is my second duty in my new role as Jax Slater’s girlfriend. I don’t mind at all though, because it really makes my official job as his social media manager a lot easier when I’m helping to create content with his fans.
Jax is so cordial and always makes sure he acknowledges everyone. He is so nice that I can see the bad boy reputation vanishing before the end of tour. Maybe that’s not such a horrible thing. While Jax chats, I give him some space and text Marisol to let her know that Jax went rogue and made a post. Thankfully, she approves and understands that I didn’t get a chance to run it by her first.
Imani also reached out and sent me a ton of emojis, which means she is happy for me and approves. I know if there was anything going on behind my back she would tell me, so everything must be good in the office. I’m so glad she’s not mad at me or accusing me of potentially ruining her credibility. That could definitely have happened if things didn’t work out in my favor.
Gemma also texted me. She obviously saw the photo Jax posted and is requesting every detail. I realize Gemma is the only one from back home who knows the truth. I need to tell my mom before we announce that I’m dating Jax. She will be thrilled and surely brag to all the new kids on the block, as well as longtime neighbors. She’ll finally have a one-up over her friend’s kids because her daughter moved on from boys to men.
I check my work email and the tabloids have already started to reach out asking for details on the woman in Jax’s life. They work quickly. They must have interns monitoring the accounts of all major celebs so they can be first to report any updates. This increases the pressure for me to reveal myself. Since I’ve already been seen in public with Jax today, clearly making out without abandon, it makes sense that I do so sooner rather than later. I text Marisol and she agrees.
Jax manages to escape his devoted fans after granting everyone a photo. We head down the street to a nearby park that one kind lady told us we could visit and enjoy some privacy. She was right. We find a bench hidden among a bunch of trees and sit down. Jax pulls up his phone and starts reading the comments on the photo. There’s already one million “likes.” The comments however, aren’t all kind.
A few of my favorites from the haters are:
“Back off, Jax is mine.”
“Is this the lipstick stain girl?”
“As if he is going to be faithful to someone! He belongs with Maxine. This is just a rebound.”
“I’m sure he already moved on from lipstick girl. He’s a rock star. He’s living it up on the road.”
“No Jax! I’m your number one fan. Please consider dating me. Click my profile.”
“God, your hand is so hot.”
“This is one lucky girl. I wish I was your girlfriend.”
We crack up as Jax reads the comments aloud. “They already hate me,” I wheeze. “I’m going to have online groups dedicated to commenting on my life.”
“Or,” Jax says, “they might love you. We might get our own hashtag. You never know.”
“Maybe I should just come forward. But instead of a social media post, how do you feel about doing an exclusive interview with a media outlet? There are so many requests coming in, we can leverage this for a cover story.” I may have red hearts bouncing from my eyes, but my mind can still do its job.
“I’m not going to turn down the opportunity for a cover story,” Jax says. “But they’re going to dig deep. How do you feel about me telling the world that I seduced you after meeting you on a video conference?”
“Ha! Is that what you did?”
“I’ll make it clear that I am the one who initiated this and you were staying professional. But eventually, you couldn’t resist my charm.”
“I wouldn’t say it was yourcharmthat won me over, though you were very persistent and charming in your pursuit.”
“We’ll have some time to go over the details,” Jax says. “Let’s do it.”
With that, I’ll gratefully bid my privacy adieu. “Okay, I’ll tell Marisol we’re going to grant an exclusive cover story and discuss which outlet we should offer it to first. Then, we’re going to have to book morning shows. TV is going to want to do a feature segment. We’ll request that you perform one song after the interview.”
“You’re so cute. I love how your mind is so focused on being the publicist. Don’t forget, this is going to change your life.”
As if I can forget what’s happening. For now, I’m trying not to think about it. I don’t want my friendships to change. I don’t want people to stop me at the grocery store and tell me how much they love or hate Jax and I together. I don’t even know where I’ll be grocery shopping after this tour. What happens? Do I go back home and go back to my life and try to do this long distance with Jax? Does he plan to stay in LA? Would he move to New York? Do I even want to move back to the City? Would Jax ever live in a small town? Can a retriever live on a tour bus?