Page 2 of Second Chances
He looked back at my drawing. “I can do something very similar to this, but we’re going to have to do this over two different sessions. I would maybe let you get away with it all at once if you had experience, but since this is your first tattoo, we’re going to do it in steps.”
I tried to hide my disappointment. Even though I never had a tattoo before, I knew people who had gotten them. I had speculated I might have to do it in more than one step. I knew it would last forever, but I didn’t want to walk around with a half-completed tattoo.
I must not have hidden my disappointment well because Liam said, “What I’ll do is, do half the tattoo completely today and do the rest the next time you come in. That way, if you change your mind about getting something so big, you don’t have to do it.”
“Okay. That sounds good.”
The bell over the door rang from behind me, and I automatically looked over my shoulder to see who had entered. It was a couple with more than a few tattoos each. I wondered if they could tell that I was a newbie at this whole thing, and I pulled my strap back up and put my sweater back on before they could stare at my plain skin.
“Chet, your appointment is here,” Liam yelled. “He’ll be right up,” he told the couple. He turned his attention back to me. “Let me get something drawn up, and then we’ll start, okay?”
I nodded. “Okay.” My heart was beating fast again.
I couldn’t wait.
* * *
“We’re finished.”
I opened my eyes and turned my head back to Liam. I had closed my eyes and faced away from him at one point to try to block out the pain. And the feel of his warm body sitting so close to me. I’d had no idea getting a tattoo could be so erotic. But that was probably just because of my neighbor. I’d had to remind myself several times that we were each in a relationship and happy with our significant others.
The good thing was that I felt relatively certain Liam had no idea about my internal struggles. Thankfully, the tattoo pain was a great cover for desire.
He handed me a mirror. “Take a look.”
I held up the plastic-framed glass and gasped. “Oh my God, it’s beautiful.”
The tattoo started on my shoulder and draped down over my collarbone. That was where he had stopped, and now, I wasn’t sure if I wanted the rest of it tattooed on my skin. It was stunning the way it was.
Also, I wasn’t sure if I could handle the tattoo going all the way down to my breast. If Liam touched me there, I might just combust. Or faint from trying to rein in my lust.
He grinned. “I’m so glad you like it.” He touched my chest. “Next time, we’ll finish the rest. It’ll start here and stop right about—”
I sat up from where I had been reclined in my chair before his hand could end up on my boob, just like I had feared.
His brow furrowed in confusion.
“Sorry. I was getting a kink in my back.”
“Oh. Sorry. You should have said something.”
“It just came on. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
He chuckled. “I’m fine. But I do need to put some ointment on it and cover it up. Do you want to lie back again or sit up?”
“I’ll sit. Go ahead.”
I should have lain back down because when he moved closer to cover up the new ink, his face was inches from mine. As he looked down, I watched as his tongue came out and licked his lips. It was a completely benign action with most people. But I had to look away again before I started thinking about him using that tongue on me.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
Come on, Chloe. That was the opposite of what I was supposed to be thinking about.
His hand left me, and I heard the wheels of his stool as he moved away from me.
“Are you okay?”
I opened my eyes. “Yeah.”