Page 22 of Second Chances
“You said on the anniversary of breaking up with Darren, you like to order your favorite food and watch your favorite movies. The listing said they have Netflix, so I figured we could pour some wine and you could pick the movie.”
“Great idea.” I rubbed my hands together and grinned. “Now, what shall I torture you with?”
Iended up not torturing Liam. Instead, I had picked a movie we could both enjoy. I’d chosen something neither of us had seen before, but it was a comedy, and I hoped it would keep my mind off of wanting to get him naked.
We were about halfway through with the movie when I figured I probably shouldn’t drink any more wine. So, I decided buttery popcorn was the next best thing to alcohol.
I threw my legs down and got up from my side of the couch. So far, we had been sitting too far away to even fake an arm going behind someone’s back, like in high school.
It was probably better this way. It kept my mind on the movie.
“Hey, where are you going?”
I looked over my shoulder. “I’m making popcorn. Do you want me to pop you a bag?”
“Nah. But I will pause the movie for you.”
I found the popcorn I’d brought, put a bag in the microwave, and carried it back to the couch when it was done.
“I’m ready. Hit play.”
Liam resumed the movie, and I sat back and relaxed. I was laughing pretty hard at a particularly funny part, so I didn’t notice him leaning over and reaching into my bag at first.
But I quickly pulled it out of his grasp.
“What are you doing?” I tried to scowl at him, but I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over my face.
“I was going to have some of your popcorn.”
I shook my head. “No, you are not. I asked if you wanted some, and you said no.”
He shrugged. “I changed my mind.”
“So, go and make some then.”
“I don’t want that much.” He gave me a sweet smile and what had to be the worst case of puppy-dog eyes I’d ever seen. “Can’t I just have some of yours? Pretty please.”
He leaned toward me again, and I put my foot on his chest as I held the bag even farther away from him.
“No way, José. This is mine, and I don’t share,” I said with a grin.
Liam wrapped his hand around my calf and pulled me toward him.
I screamed in surprise and delight as I was dragged across the couch and practically into his arms.
He made a move to swipe my popcorn bag out of my hands, but I hugged it to my chest and covered it with my arms. I turned my back to him the best I could, but he tickled my side. I couldn’t help from laughing and rolling onto my back.
“You don’t fight fair,” I yelled at him.
He plucked the popcorn from my hands. “All’s fair in love and war…and food.” He took a couple of kernels out of the bag and popped them in his mouth. He looked over at me with a smirk on his face. “Mmm…that’s delicious.”
“You’re a turd.” I scrambled to sit up quickly, but when I stretched to get my stuff back, he blocked me without even trying.