Page 29 of Mine To Possess
It’s not going to be easy, but I do feel a little better now that I know it wasn’t personal. Viktor hasn’t rejected me because I’m poor. And it gives me hope that whatever his reason for not being able to be with me is, that maybe he will find a way around it.
* * *
It’s been almosta week since Viktor told me he does find me attractive, but he can’t be with me or anyone else. I wish I could say I’ve gotten used to the idea, but I haven’t. I know it was only one kiss, but it was a kiss I can’t forget. It haunts me day and night. I even dream of it. It was a kiss like nothing I’d ever felt before so as much as I try to put Viktor or that kiss out of my head, I just can’t do it.
My whole body is freaking calling for him. Ineedhim to kiss me again.
And not just to kiss me either. I need more. I need him to make love to me, to make my whole body feel as good as my mouth felt when he plundered it. But I can’t have him, and I think knowing that only serves to make me want him even more.
I haven’t seen Viktor since he came over to my apartment and told me nothing can happen between us. It’s most likely his plan never to be around me again. Or maybe it isn’t. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, because although he said he was attracted to me, I can’t imagine a world where I have as much of an effect on him as he has on me. I really can’t see Viktor planning his life around where I happen to be on any given day.
Yeah, it has to just be a coincidence.
With that thought in my mind, I’m not overly surprised to learn that Viktor is holding a client meeting at his house on the day I’m scheduled to clean there. Viktor and the client are having their meeting in the large breakfast room, and I’ve been given instructions not to disturb them, but to carry on with cleaning the rest of the house.
I’m almost finished cleaning when I look out of the French windows and see Viktor out by the pool. He’s lying on a sun lounger, wearing a pair of swimming shorts. I feel my heart start to beat faster as I look at him. To my horror my pussy gets wet from just watching that gorgeously toned body.
God, how I want him. I want that man like I’ve never wanted anyone before.
It’s like a physical ache inside of me, one that I already know I won’t be able to get rid of unless Viktor comes around and replaces that empty ache with his mouth. Even then, I think the ache will hang around until we go further, until Viktor is filling me up in every way a man can fill a woman up. My thoughts are doing nothing to stop the tingling between my legs.
Viktor looks up and catches me watching him. I freeze for a moment. Fuck. He wasn’t meant to see me standing here spying on him like some kind of fucking creeper. What do I do now? How do I explain this in a way that doesn’t make me sound like a desperate, lovesick idiot? I come up with a quick plan and push the door open.
“Hi,” I call, giving Viktor a little wave. “I’m almost done in here and I just wondered if you wanted any refreshments brought out before I leave?”
“That would be great if you don’t mind,” Viktor shouts back. “I’d just about kill for a cold beer right now.”
“Coming right up,” I say with an exaggerated cheery smile.
I step away from the door, my heart still hammering hard in my chest. I’m relieved that he seemed to buy my reason for standing there ogling him. Talk about thinking on my feet. It would have been too humiliating if he thought I was just perving on him. As I hurry towards the kitchen my crazy mind starts fantasizing about being out there with him, lying on top of Viktor, wrapped up in his arms.
Don’t even go there Amelia, I tell myself. Just don’t.
I rush through to the kitchen and go to the fridge and pull it open. I scan my eyes over the contents, grab a can of beer, and grab a tall glass. As I’m pouring the beer, Justine comes in.
“Right, that’s me done.” She pauses. “You drinking beer in the afternoon.”
“It’s not for me. It’s for Viktor.”
“Ok. I’m off. You’ll be all right on your own, won’t you? Everybody else has gone for the day.”
“Of course. I’m finished too. I’ll be going soon.”
“Want me to wait for you and give you a ride?”
“Nah. I enjoy the walk to the bus station.”
“Ok, see you next week then.”
“Bye, Justine.”
She gives a wave and exits through the door.
I drop the bottle into the recycling bin and check that I haven’t left anything out of place. I haven’t.
My hand is shaking because I’m so nervous. I tell myself to just get over it. It’s not like I’m going out there to seduce Viktor. All I’m doing is taking him a glass of beer. I step outside into the warm sun and Viktor is no longer on the lounger. He’s swimming lengths in the pool and right now he is at the far end. Has he done that just so that he doesn’t have to bother talking to me?
I don’t know and I’m not going to dwell on it. It’s probably for the best anyway. I’d only end up saying something embarrassing if I had to talk to him. I go over to the lounger Viktor was sitting on and put the glass down on the little table beside it.