Page 37 of Mine To Possess
“Fair point,” I reply.
After much deliberation and back and forth, Amelia chooses the butterscotch cheesecake with vanilla gelato. I choose the cannoli purely to keep her company. I signal to our waiter again. As the waiter departs with our orders I stare at Amelia.
I still can’t believe how quickly she’s gotten underneath my skin like this. Even before Lisa, before I vowed off love forever, I was never one to get attached too easily, but I have to admit to myself that I don’t just like Amelia. The feelings are getting intense, much more, by far more than I could have ever expected.
“So, Amelia. If every job in the world paid the same wages and you could be instantly qualified to do anything, what would you be and why?” I ask.
“Did you read that question on an ice breaker card at work?” Amelia grins.
“No, I’m just genuinely curious.”
“Mmmm….” She does the pursed mouth thing again then she smiles and nods, her decision made. “I’d be a lawyer. I’ve always been into those courtroom dramas, and I’ve had plenty of practice negotiating with hostile parties. Plus, I’m pretty good in an argument. What about you?” She pauses for a second. “And you’re not allowed to say what you’re doing now because that’s just boring.”
I smile. “In that case I’ll go with psychiatry.”
Her eyes shine. “So, you could learn everyone’s dark secrets and blackmail them?”
“No.” I laugh. “What sort of a monster do you think I am? I’d do it because what is more fascinating than the workings of other people’s minds?”
“Now that you mention it, I’d love to get inside a serial killer’s head or something like that, you know? Just see what makes them tick. I want to switch.”
“No switching.” I shake my head and look at Amelia solemnly. “You made your bed and now you have to lie on it. No deep diving into the psychopathic mind for you.”
Her expression changes, becomes sultry and knowing. “You’re right. I think I’ll keep the bed I have already chosen to lie in tonight.”
I stare at her, and she smiles slowly at me. Suddenly it feels as there is no one else in the world except us. Nothing else matters except her and me. The sensation is broken when our desserts come. I thank the waiter, barely looking away from Amelia.
I watch her take a mouthful of cake and the expression of satisfaction on her face as it melts in her mouth.
“Divine,” she whispers. “Ok, my turn to ask a question. If you could be famous for one thing, what would you choose?”
“Hmm,” I think for a moment. “Painting.”
“You paint?” Amelia asks, looking surprised.
“No. But I’m a big fan of great art.” I smile. “What about you?”
“I’d be a famous singer. I can’t sing for shit, but I like the idea of touring the world, and that would be a good way to do it.”
“What country do you most want to visit?” I ask.
“Italy. Rome specifically,” Amelia says without hesitation. “The food, the culture, the architecture. Everything about the city screams come and visit me.”
“I’ll take you there one day.” I say it on the spur of the moment, but as soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I mean it. I want to see her in Rome.
Amelia smiles at me, her eyes shining with excitement. “I’m going to hold you to that,” she says. “Where would you go?”
“Australia. I don’t even know why. I’ve just always wanted to go.”
“Well maybe one day, when I’m a famous singer who moonlights as a lawyer, I’ll take you there.” She grins.
“Right, I’m holding you to that too then.”