Page 4 of Mine To Possess
“You want me to notice you.”
My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. For heaven’s sake. What on earth is going on with him today?
“Don’t give me thatbutter wouldn’t melt in your mouthlook. You strut around here in your little, short shorts and your skimpy little tank tops, tempting me. What else can it be?”
Has he gone stark raving mad? The only thing I’ve ever worn that even vaguely matches what he’s saying is a pair of baggy shorts that are about six inches away from my knees, and not once have I strutted in them.
I swallow the thousand different sarcastic things that fly into my head and make the mature decision not to respond. If I try to reason with him, he’ll just get mad and who knows what could happen. I’m trapped here for the moment, but Mom should be home soon. I just have to keep him at bay until she gets here.
“I’m going to make a sandwich. Shall I make one for you?”
Dan doesn’t seem to notice or care I’m not responding to what he’s saying. He just keeps right on looking at me like he’s undressing me with his eyes.
“I’ve tried to resist your coy advances, but I mean I’m only human, Amelia. I have to give it to you; you played your cards well. You knew I wouldn’t be able to resist you for long. And I mean your mom is great, one in a million and everything, but she’s not what she used to be, is she?”
My mom hasn’t changed one bit in the time he’s known her. Dan takes a step into the room, and I take a step backwards, the backs of my legs meet my bed. He grins, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are suddenly hard and nasty, lecherously moving up and down my body.
“You win,” he grins. “You’ve worn me down.”
I feel sick. Ugh! This is my mom’s man. I’d rather die than have sex with him.
He steps closer again.
I try to think what to do, but my mind has kinda gone blank.
He takes another step into my tiny room.
I have nowhere else to go. Dan reaches out and caresses my cheek. My stomach rolls with nausea. His fingers smell of stale cigarette smoke and beer, and his palms are rough, although I have no idea why – it’s not like he’s ever done a hard day’s work in his life.
“I’ll be honest with you, Amelia. I’ve wanted this for as long as you have, but it felt wrong, you know? Still… now you’re eighteen, you’re a woman now.”
“I’m only seventeen,” I say in a panic. “I’m not eighteen for another five weeks.”
He smiles and does the blink thing again. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
My whole body goes cold with dread. I want to hit him, but I don’t want to escalate the situation. There must be a way to extricate myself without resorting to violence. He’s drunk, but there is no way I could win against him based on sheer brute force.
Dan reaches out and pulls me against him.
I have to resist the urge to retch as his hard beer belly digs into my body. He tries to kiss me, and I turn my head to the side. He slobbers on my cheek, leaving it wet. His breath stinks of stale beer and something dirtier than that. I can almost feel bile rising in my throat as Dan lunges his lips at me again. I try to wriggle out of his arms, but he’s shockingly strong and his vice-like grip is impossible to escape.
“Dan, stop it,” I say as firmly as I can. If I can just get the upper hand here, I might be able to talk my way out of this.
“Dan, stop it,” he mimics. “You’ve pushed for this for months and now you’re going to pretend like you don’t want it to happen? Why? You think you’re too good for me all of a sudden?”
I think literally every woman on the planet is too good for him. “You’re very attractive and all that, but this is not right. You’re married to my mom,” I say, forcing my voice not to become shrill with panic and rage.
He releases me from his hold, and I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s over. Except it isn’t. Dan is only just getting started.
“Since when has that bothered you?” he snaps and shoves me so hard on my chest I fall backwards onto the bed.
“Fucking slut. You really think you’re something, don’t ya? Well, let me tell you something about girls like you. You’re only good for one thing.”
Frantically, I scoot backwards across my bed, but it’s so small there’s nowhere for me to go. My back is already pressed up against the wall. I can feel angry tears filling my eyes as I try to think of something to say to calm my mother’s husband down. Nothing comes to mind. Since there’s nothing I can grab to smack him with, I get ready to kick him in the nuts. So hard, he’ll crumple into a heap and that will give me enough time to get the hell out of this trailer.
Then I’m never coming back.
He smiles down at me, and his eyes shine wickedly. I don’t know if he really believes I’ve somehow been leading him on, or if it’s just something he’s telling himself to justify what he’s about to do to me. Either way, he’s coming for me. As if he knew what I planned to do, he grabs both my ankles and clambers onto my bed. He pulls my ankles wide, and roughly pulls me so I am flat on my back. Then he clambers on top of me, breathing his disgusting breath all over me.