Page 47 of Mine To Possess
“Did the earth move for you?” he asks with a smirk.
“I felt like I was inside a washing machine.” I grin.
He laughs and I start laughing with him.
“Seriously,” I say when my laughter has passed. “That was so fucking intense. Is it always like that?”
“To be honest, I’ve been with my fair share of women, and I have never felt anything that even comes close to what we just had,” he says. He pauses and then goes on. “But something tells me that with us, it will always be like that.”
I smile as he leans closer to me and kisses me. My hold on him tightens as we kiss. This kiss is different from the other kisses we’ve shared this morning. The other kisses were full of passion and longing and a shared desperation for us to come together and I loved them. But this one is by far the best kiss.
It’s soft and gentle, sensual in its nature. It’s the sort of kiss shared by two people who are in love. The sort of kiss romance writers talk about, that no one really believes exists until they’ve had it. It’s fair to say Viktor has just made a believer out of me.
We hold each other and look into each other’s eyes for a long time. My body still feels too heavy to move and I can feel myself getting sleepy again. Viktor looks like he’s about ready to fall asleep too. He moves his fingers in a lazy circle on my back and the sensation makes me feel sleepier and sleepier as he does it. I yawn and he smiles.
“I know that feeling,” he says.
He closes his eyes and I do the same, but a second later I open mine.
“Mmm,” he replies sleepily.
“When can we do that again?”
“Are you trying to finish me off?” he laughs.
“No,” I say. “But there are way worse ways to go right?”
“Damned right,” he says.
He opens his eyes long enough to kiss the tip of my nose and then closes them again.
“Soon. We can do that again soon,” he mumbles.
His fingers stop moving as he falls asleep, and I feel his arm getting heavier on me. I lay awake for a while, just watching him sleep, marveling at how someone like me could ever get so lucky as to have a man as gorgeous as him want me. I don’t want to go to sleep. I just want to lie here and enjoy this moment for as long as I can, but try as I might, I can’t resist the pull of sleep for much longer, and eventually, I snuggle closer to Viktor, close my eyes and let sleep take me.
Marcus, my right-hand man, calls to say his vacation is going to be a long one as he has been in an accident and broken his leg. I tell him to take as long as he needs to heal. I have bigger problems, much bigger problems to solve.
I spend the next few days focused on the fire. Or rather the aftermath of it. I speak to the police several times, although it feels pointless. I’m certainly not about to tell them anything about Igor – I’ll be dealing with him personally – and they don’t seem to have any leads at all.
A whole fucking building was blown up and people lost their lives, and the police don’t have a fucking clue what happened or why. And then they wonder why people take justice into their own hands.
The officers investigating the fire claim that it’s a priority, but it sure doesn’t feel like it is. If it was, they would have something by now. Whether Igor set the fire personally, or had someone else do it for him, that person didn’t just materialize in the kitchen out of thin air. A surveillance camera must have picked him up or someone had to have seen him coming or going from the restaurant.
None of the staff got a proper look at him. It’s a busy kitchen and people are constantly moving around, so his movements wouldn’t have attracted their attention. All anyone saw was his back after he threw the gas bomb and turned to run – a man dressed all in black.
Not only have the police failed to find any witnesses, they don’t even seem to be trying to find out where the arsonist bought his supplies from either.
They aren’t the real problem though. I accepted long ago that unless a crime goes viral for some reason, the police don’t exactly rush themselves to solve crimes. The real problem is the damned journalists. I get calls from them all day long asking for a comment on this or that. At first, I refused to speak to them at all.
It was Amelia who convinced me I should do an interview with at least the local paper. She said my lack of comments made it look like I didn’t care. I do care. I hate that people died in one of my restaurants and that people got hurt. I wanted to show that and so I did end up doing an interview. Unfortunately, someone brought Amelia up to the stage, and stood her by my side.
There was nothing I could do but carry on.