Page 73 of Mine To Possess
“We can’t possibly be back to you pretending you don’t want me,” he slurs. “You came back, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I came back. Because my mother lied to me and told me you were gone,” I reply furiously.
I try to pull my wrist from his hand, but his grip is strong for a drunk guy. I can’t get it free.
“Bullshit,” Dan says. “You came back to finish what we started. Well, your mom won’t be home for hours so you can have it.”
He gestures to his crotch with his other hand and it’s all I can do not to retch in disgust.
“Let go of me, Dan,” I order.
He jumps to his feet and suddenly I see he’s not as drunk as he was making himself out to be. The brushing up against me was intentional. He’s still holding my wrist as he steps closer to me. I back up with each step he takes towards me, but that doesn’t put him off. He grins at me, knowing what I know. A few more steps and I’ll be up against the wall with nowhere else to go.
I’m not letting this happen again. I won’t let this man touch me. There’s one way I will be able to get free. I stop backing away from Dan.
“You know what? You’re right. I don’t know why I keep denying it. I think I just feel guilty because of my mom.”
He strokes my cheek and I have to stop the shudder from running through me. I even manage to nuzzle against his palm slightly. I hate myself for doing it, but it’s the only way I can think of to get away from him.
“You don’t have to feel guilty, Amelia. You’ve tried to fight it, but when two people have a connection like we do, fighting it just prolongs it. It was always going to happen, and I think deep down, even your mom knows that.”
I nod, pretending like he’s convincing me. I can’t help but wonder if he really believes this bullshit he’s talking about or if he just thinks it makes him sound intelligent and less like a sexual predator.
“She can’t be mad, can she? I mean, we can’t help being attracted to each other,” I say, playing along, telling him what I think he wants to hear.
“Exactly,” Dan agrees.
I smile at him shyly.
“Kiss me, Dan. Before I change my mind,” I say.
My plan works. Dan releases my wrist and cups my face in his hands. I don’t hesitate. I bring my released hand up and slam the beer can against his temple. Dan roars in anger and steps back from me, glaring at me in pain, shock, and pure fury. I feel fear gripping me. I really thought that would knock him out, or at least leave him dazed enough that I could run from the trailer.
Instead, all I’ve done is infuriate him. He pulls his fist back and slams it forward, punching me in the stomach.
“You little bitch,” he roars.
The breath leaves me in a rush as Dan’s fist hits my stomach. I fall to the ground, wheezing and gasping. I cross my arms over my stomach, trying to protect the precious bundle inside of me. If I lose this baby because of Dan, I swear I will kill him. I’ll wait until he’s asleep and I’ll cut the fucker’s throat.
He pulls his foot back, aiming a kick at my face. I fight the instinct in me that wants me to move my arms to protect my face. My baby is more important than me. He can do what he likes to my face, but I won’t let him near my stomach again. I tense up, waiting for the agony of his foot connecting with my face, but it doesn’t come.
Before his foot can make contact with my face, he’s dragged backwards, pulled away from me and thrown to the floor and I see Viktor towering over him, his face the picture of anger.
My prince came back for me. Just in time to defeat my evil stepfather and save the day.
Ireach the trailer door, and raise my fist to knock on it, but before my fist connects with the door, I hear a man yelling from inside, his voice ugly and angry.
“You little bitch,” he shouts.
I don’t bother to knock after that. That angry voice has to be Dan’s, and if it’s not Amelia he’s having a go at, then it’s her mom. I throw open the trailer door and step inside expecting to see Dan and either Amelia or her mom arguing. I sure as hell don’t expect what I see. Amelia is lying on the ground, her knees pulled up into the fetal position and she’s holding her stomach and wheezing. And some scruffy looking fat bastard who smells like a brewery is standing over her, his foot pulled back like he’s about to kick her in the face.
I lose it. I see red. Dan is damned lucky I don’t have a gun on me or he’d be dead right now. In a flash I cover the distance between us and grab Dan by the shoulders, pulling him away from Amelia. His weight and his surprise work against him, as does the fact he’s drunk.
He stumbles and I let him fall and then I do to him what he was about to do to Amelia. I pull my foot back and kick him hard, square in the face. Blood bursts from his nose and his mouth. I give him a few more hard kicks on his ribs and he writhes and screams like a stuck pig. I’m pretty sure I’ve broken a few ribs. At any other time I could have gone to town on him, keep kicking him until there’s no life left in him, but I don’t want Amelia to see that side of me.