Page 17 of A Dragon's Curse
I laid my head down on the bed, evened my breathing, and turned my back to the door. I couldn’t see much in this kind of darkness without ambient light, but that didn’t mean the dragon couldn’t. Cillian and I had never really discussed what he could and couldn’t do or how similar we might be.
My door opened, and there was a beat of silence before Knox whispered, “Sleep well, Little Wolf. It’s almost time for you to come out and play.”
I stayed perfectly still, refusing to allow my body to react in any way, and it paid off.
The door closed once more, and then the bubble was back.
I no longer heard the sound of retreating footsteps or voices.
We were back to the dark silence, but my motivation to get the fuck out of that cell had just gone up.
All I needed now was for The Psycho to return, and I was finally going to act.
I’d searched that fucking forest day and night, barely stopping to sleep. The entire area was doused in magic, making it so that nothing stood out, which meant everything had to be checked.
My dragon had flown over the area for hours, and I’d spent even longer walking through the dense trees. There’d been moments where I’d sworn that I could sense something deeper, but everywhere I looked, there were only trees. Nothing to tell where they were hiding or how I could get inside.
It was the morning of the fifth day since Dawsyn had been taken, and I was being forced to eat food I didn’t want before I made up my mind on what I was going to do.
My short time with Dawsyn at Mystics Academy had shown me that my mate had plenty of people who loved her and cared about her wellbeing.
River had to be awake, and Beatrix would likely have tried to reach out, which meant her parents probably also knew she was missing. If I didn’t want them to hate me more than I already suspected they would for putting Dawsyn in this situation, then I needed to let them know what was happening.
Only, I’d been putting it off because there was nothing to fucking tell them.
My mate was gone. I had no idea who had her or how I was going to find her. That wasn’t something I wanted to admit. Even if our bond was currently severed, she was still mine to protect, and I’d failed.
“Easy, bro,” Lykem said from across the counter. “You don’t want Greta to see you bending forks. She’s already pissed she had to take on feeding everyone.”
Greta was from the Crimson clan. Their line of dragons were known for their tempers, but also thrived on taking control. I wasn’t surprised that she’d been in charge of food dispersals when I arrived at the caves.
The plate in front of me was carved from the trees and polished by hand. The silverware was forged by members of the Emerald clan—dragons who excelled in creation and the reason we’d survived so long in Drago on our own.
The eggs and bland bread weren’t appealing, but I knew I had to keep fed if I wanted to be at my best, so I shoved the remaining bits of food into my mouth and headed to the tubs against one of the cave walls.
I rinsed the food off in the tub of dirty water, then deposited the dishes into the soapy, cleaner one next to it.
Turning back to Lykem, I knew what I needed to do next. “I’m going back to Earth. I need to let Dawsyn’s family know that I’m looking for her and will update them as soon as I can.”
He grinned, but I shook my head before he could reply. “You’re staying here.”
“Not a chance in hell,” he said. “You’re not the only one who gets to have all the fun.”
I wouldn’t call telling my mate’s family that I couldn’t find her fun, but whatever he wanted to think.
“No.” I headed toward the cave exit, ignoring the shifters sleeping on tattered blankets draped over the dirt floor. If I thought too much about the living conditions here, I was going to lose my damn mind.
I had to find Dawsyn first.
By the time I reached the opening, Lykem was keeping stride with me and staying silent.
“You’re not going,” I said.
Still, he said nothing.