Page 23 of A Dragon's Curse
What the fuck does that mean?I demanded.
It means we have a similar energy as your mother, but we’re not like her.
I’d fucking known it.
All my life, I’d wondered if there was something more deep down inside me. Thank the Moon Goddess I’d been right. She’d shown up for us just in time.
Every day, I was drawn to the dark forest. Yet every day, I found nothing that got me closer to finding Dawsyn.
Knowing she was here, but not knowing exactly where or how to reach her was driving me and my dragon to insanity. It didn’t matter that our bond with Dawsyn had been broken. We neededher.
I didn’t need the fates to tell me she was who I wanted. She was the person who challenged me. The one who knew her value, but still held the wellbeing of others above herself. Someone I would die to let live.
It didn’t matter that I’d only known her for a few weeks. I knew Dawsyn’s worth just as much as she did, and she was worth everything.
As I flew over the forest for the tenth time that day, I tried to focus on the strength I knew my mate held within her. She was a fighter. Whatever was happening to her, she wouldn’t give up trying to get free.
My dragon soared over the trees, his wings stretched wide and the dimming sun reflecting off his scales, making them seem more golden than earthy. He was content being home—the lightning power inside us settled for the time being. The only thing that could make this better was having Dawsyn.
Finding my grandmother would also help. I’d not only been looking for my mate, but also wondering where Nannio had escaped to. She’d never made it to the caves. Not one person I’d asked had seen her or known where she might have gone.
I hated to think she’d met the same fate as my uncles, but I wasn’t sure what other options there could be. Focusing on Dawsyn had helped me ignore the grief of losing two of the three family members I had left, but I knew the day would come when I couldn’t hold everything in.
For the time being, I stayed busy searching for my mate.
Lykem’s red dragon flew toward us, coming in fast before turning his wings, gliding over and above me, then settling in next to us.
Any signs?he asked telepathically. I wished that worked outside of Drago with more than just my family, but at least we had that ability here, thanks to the energy of our realm.
Nothing new or different, I replied.I don’t like that the destruction has ceased.
He chuckled.Everyone else does. People want to go home.
But that’s likely what this psycho wants, I said.For the few of us left to come out of the caves so he can pick us off one by one.
Lykem stayed silent for a beat, then his dragon head nodded.Probably, but what is a life lived in fear? We have to do something.
I knew searching for Dawsyn every day and night wasn’t what was best for my people, but I couldn’t give up on her yet.
We will. Soon, I promised.
At least they would. I had a feeling that if I didn’t bring Dawsyn back with me tomorrow when I was supposed to check in with her parents, I was going to be a dead man.
It wasn’t that I didn’t think I could beat Roman in a fight, but I could never hurt Dawsyn’s dad and expect her to forgive me. I’d rather die than live with that guilt.
Did you hear that?Lykem asked, turning his wings.
There was a rumble in the distance, coming from deep within the dark forest.Thatwas something new.
I sped past him, wings flapping furiously.
Please, fucking let this be her.
The previous rumble didn’t repeat again, but we were already zeroed in on where the sound had come from.