Page 56 of A Dragon's Curse
GiGi smirked. “She means that you passed on some of that moon juju to her.”
That wasn’t how I would have described it, but… “When I escaped from the underground tunnels I’d been kept in, my wolf shifted and as we ran for our lives, she glowed a silver color.”
“I saw it with my own eyes,” Cillian said. “She radiated power unlike any I’ve ever felt, and she was incredibly fast.”
“Can you do anything different?” Mom asked, lines deepening around her eyes and mouth, still not seeming very happy with this news.
“Not that I’m aware of, but I do feel stronger and more capable,” I said. “With Cillian and the others, I’m not afraid to go against Knox and whatever dragons he has with him. They won’t be able to shift in the tunnels. As long as I stay in there, helping however I can, then there won’t be nearly as much danger for me.”
Aunt Embry drummed her fingers over the dining table. “You’re sure they can’t shift underground?”
“I mean, they literally could, but they’d be stuck instantly,” I answered. “The hallways aren’t wide or tall enough for the size of dragons I’ve seen so far.”
GiGi raised a brow, looking at my mate with renewed interest. “Just how big are you?”
Before Cillian could respond, I cut in. “That’s not the point of this conversation. I need you all to trust that we can handle this part, and if we can’t, then we’ll let you know. For now, I’m only here to make sure you know I’m alive, with my mate, and okay. Or at least I will be as soon as I’m no longer tied to Knox.”
Three of the most important women in my life shared a look I didn’t like. Then, it was GiGi who spoke the words I’d already been fearing.
“Your connection to Cillian may not come back just because the one with Knox goes away,” she said.
I recalled the burning of the tether I’d felt to him. The sorrow and agony as it turned to ash, floating away too quickly for me to grasp on to the pieces.
I swallowed thickly and nodded, but before I could speak, my wolf reminded me of something.
Our spirits have a history, she said.It doesn’t matter that we broke the bond. There will be a way to fix it.
I had no way to know if she was right or just speaking positively, but I chose to believe her and relayed that information.
Cillian grabbed my hand with wide eyes. “You can speak to your wolf?”
“Youcan’tspeak to your dragon?” I countered, having assumed he already knew this information, but also feeling slightly stupid that we hadn’t discussed it yet. In our defense, a lot had been going on.
“I can feel his emotions and, after all these years, can usually sense what he wants, but there are never any verbal exchanges,” he answered, voice still filled with awe. “We were really mated before?”
“Our animals were. My wolf is certain of that fact,” I replied, offering him a smile.
“We’ll have to talk more about that later,” he said, nodding toward the others who were staring intently at us.
Right. My family was a bunch of nosey bastards. Still, I loved them with all my heart.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure that our connection will come back,” I said. “I know it will. I’d like to stay the rest of the night here and then head to Spell House in the morning. Then, we’ll need to get back to Drago just as soon as the tie to Knox is cut.”
“Is the fight happening that soon?” Mom asked, a crease between her brows.
“Possibly,” Cillian answered. “But I also left behind a friend who was badly injured, and I’d like to make sure he’s healing as he should be.”
“One who was injured making sure Cillian could get me to safety,” I added with a pointed stare at each of them.
“Fair enough,” Aunt Embry said.
My mom’s lips thinned and shoulders sagged. “Says the one who doesn’t have to convince her father of the same thing.”
Embry grinned widely. “Just get naked and then tell him. It’ll be fine.”
It didn’t matter that I was an adult and fully aware that they had sex. At no point in my life would it be okay for people to talk about it in front of me.
I stood up and pulled at Cillian’s hand. “Well, that’s enough for us. We’re going to my room.” I glanced at GiGi. “What time should we be ready?”