Page 32 of Ruthless Truths
Now that I have his name, it’s only a matter of time before one of the many leads we’ve received goes in our favor.
Until then, I’ve kept my distance from Olivia and will continue to do so. I can’t stand the thought of facing her, only to tell her the sick fuck who touched her is still breathing.
It’s not right, and I’m going to fucking fix this.
I’m going to find Abel and make him beg for death by the time I’m done with his worthless body.
That’s a promise I know I can keep.
* * *
Too many hourshave passed while I’ve hunted for Abel, but his time has finally run out. We’re on our way to get him now, and the thrill I feel at knowing the fucker will soon be locked in my basement is the reason I’ll never give up this part of my life.
No matter how well-off I am, or that I could never work another day in my life and be just fine, the high that’s floating through my body now is irreplaceable.
The calm at knowing my fists will break Abel’s face beyond recognition soon. The joy at anticipating the blood he’ll shed. The eagerness to hear his screams echo within the walls that they’ll never leave.
None of that can be replaced, and I don’t want it to be. This is who I am, and I have no regrets about that.
“We’re here,” Jaxon announces, his fingers tightening over the steering wheel. He’s been just as furious as me over the whole situation, given Justine had been locked in the bathroom and he’d ignored her calls for help since we were meeting with Titan.
The meeting went to shit just as soon as we sat down. Titan pretended that he was ready to back off and wanted to finalize any lingering agreements in person. I have no idea how he knew I was going to bring Olivia with me or how she might end up alone, but by the time we realized he was double-crossing us, it was too late.
He’d disappeared, and Olivia had already been hurt.
I can’t think about that now, though. Abel is inside the bar in front of us, and I’m going to drag him out of there myself. I didn’t even mind driving nearly three hours to the outskirts of Seattle to do so myself.
I’m out of the SUV within seconds of parking and marching toward the door with Jaxon and Damon right behind me. My palm slams onto the already cracked wooden door, forcing it open hard enough that it crashes against the wall.
All eyes turn toward us, but I’m only concerned with one pair. The one that goes wide.
Abel drops the beer that’s at his lips and starts to run, but he doesn’t get far. I close the distance between us, ignoring my surroundings as I shove him to the ground.
He blinks rapidly and tries to speak, but I don’t give him the opportunity. My fist connects with his face, and he’s out cold.
I grab the back of his shirt and start to drag him out the door. Next to me, Jaxon throws a few hundred-dollar bills on the bar top. “Enjoy a few rounds on us as an apology for interrupting your evening, ladies and gentlemen.”
Cheers erupt as we walk out the door without a single problem.
Damon moves ahead of me and opens the back of the SUV, grabbing a syringe already filled with a concoction of ketamine.
Callously, I toss Abel into the trunk and Damon steps up to dose him before tying his arms and legs together. “This should keep him unconscious for four or five hours, but I have another dose in case he wakes up early.”
I hold my hand out. “I’ll take it and gladly stab him if he does while we’re driving.”
Damon smirks and shakes his head, but hands over the second syringe.
We get back into the SUV, and it’s only a matter of minutes before we’re getting back on the interstate and heading South.
I smile nearly the entire time, knowing that soon I’ll have my hands on this fucker. As soon as he’s been dealt with, Titan Moretti will move back to priority number one for me.
* * *
Back at the house,we’ve already moved Abel to the basement and tied him to a chair. A half-dozen buckets of water later, he’s finally waking up.
I roll the sleeves of my grey dress shirt up and step toward him, grinning as he snarls at me as if he has any chance of getting out of here alive.
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” he says with a shake of his head, attempting to clear the water still dripping down his forehead.