Page 10 of Betrothed
“Alright, I’ll get out of your hair before the rain claims us both.” She gave me another squeeze. “See you at yoga next week!”
I nodded and waved as she darted over to the SUV parked up the block with its four-ways on. Probably her husband, Eli, and their kids.
My throat immediately felt tighter. Their children were a few years younger than Jake, but seeing them still gutted me. So, I quickly let myself inside the building, sagging against the door just as the rain started to barrel down.
The people here… the friends I’d made… they were so good. They were the sun that shone even while it rained. But my life was the storm. It didn’t matter how brightly the good glimmered when the clouds rolled in. And as much as I wanted to open up and let everyone in—trust everyone to ease my burden—I wouldn’t put them at risk.
I reached up and swiped the wetness from my cheeks.
I hadn’t seen Jake in seven months. Seven whole months without his toothy smile and amazing bear hugs. Seven whole months that he’d been alone with my ex. But I couldn’t focus on that now or I’d break—crumble completely under the weight of guilt. I had to focus forward. One step at a time. Even if it hurt. Even if it meant trusting. Even if it meant asking for help from the man I couldn’t stop thinking about.
I’m coming for you, baby. I promise.
“Kenzie?” I stopped on a dime just inside my office. My hand resting on the light switch that was already flipped up.
I’d made it halfway up the block—lost in thought—when I realized I’d left my gym bag next to my desk. A sad snapshot of my life considering I’d been on my way to the gym.
After the three check-up texts Addy had sent me while she and her family were on vacation, I figured I should at least use her gift card so she couldn’t give me anymore grief about not taking care of myself. Plus, it was getting harder and harder to focus late at night now that I kept imagining Kenzie in my chair, her eyes upturned, and her face level with my dick.
But this time, I wasn’t imagining her.
Not with her hair down, twisted in a thick rope and damp from a fresh shower. Her loose-fitting Covington Security tee (a donation from the business to all new residents) hung from her shoulders all the way down to her thighs.Her bare thighs.
This time, it was my face that was level with her waist; she’d pulled my desk chair over to the bookcase just inside the door and used it to search the upper shelves.
Fuck. I gulped.
The pre-workout I’d taken fifteen minutes ago screamed to life in my veins. Adrenaline set my attraction on fire, the combination combusting through me.
Was she wearing anything under the tee? Shorts? She had to be wearing shorts.
But what if she wasn’t?
Underwear. She had to be wearing underwear.
I groaned, my pulse galloping faster.But what if she wasn’t…
Fucking fuck.
“Zeke!” Kenzie cried out in surprise, shoving away from the bookcase in a scramble to get down. But my desk chair wasn’t a stable ladder, so when it rocked, it pitched her forward, and sent her tumbling right into my arms.
What in God’s name had I done to deserve the torture of holding this woman twice in the span of one week?
My jaw wrenched tight as I steadied her from the chair rolling back. Her feet clamored for the floor, and she apologized profusely into my chest. Meanwhile, it took everything I had to keep my desire from tearing through my skin. Last week was different. Yeah, I’d carried her, but she hadn’t been flushed to me.Not like this.
Like this, it didn’t matter how loose or tight her damn shirt was because I could feel every soft curve. The swells of her breasts to my chest. The dip of her waist under my hands.
Her head tipped up, and smoky violet eyes met mine. The pink in her cheeks bloomed brighter, and her lips parted slowly, the catch of her breath a blatant admission that I wasn’t the only one affected right now.
A lifetime ago I would’ve read everything about her expression—from her glossy eyes to the swipe of her tongue over her lips—as an invitation to kiss her. Now?Never.
“Are you alright?” I asked and pushed her away from me, making sure she was steady on her feet before I completely let her go.
“Yes, I’m so sorry.” She cupped her hand over her mouth, her voice laden with dismay.