Page 44 of Betrothed
“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Maybe he’s a bully. Maybe he thoughtJake was an easy target…”Who the hell knew.“Jake’s going to be fine. That’s all that matters.”
Kenzie continued to stare out the window silently, still unsettled.
I wanted to reach for her—to hold her again, but all I could offer was, “I’m sorry.”
Her eyes fluttered. “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault. All you’ve done is help me.”
I tried to keep my breathing even, but her strength was breaking me. “I wish there was more I could do.”
She didn’t respond.
We drove for most of the remaining time in silence. Periodically, she checked my phone for any updates, but when none came through, it was safe to assume Jake had been discharged from the hospital and was home recovering.
“I’ll call his lawyer in the morning and ask for an official update. Maybe see if I can get them to agree to a video call.”
“Thank you.” She paused, and her head finally tipped in my direction. “Zeke?”
“Can I stay at your place tonight?”
I inhaled sharply. “Kenz…”
“I just…” Her lip quivered, and at that point, it didn’t even matter what else she said because I was going to let her. “I don’t want to be around everyone right now.”
I wanted to say it was because I understood; this afternoon had been traumatic to say the least, and her pained exhaustion was written all over her face. To go back to Blooms looking the way she did was inviting questions—questions I couldn’t blame her for not wanting to answer right now.
“Okay.” I might understand how she felt, but I’d be lying to say I agreed solely out of empathy.
I agreed because I wanted to take care of her. Because I wanted her back in my apartment. Back in my arms. In my bed.No.That wasn’t going to happen again. But I could let her stay…one more night wouldn’t kill me.
* * *
By the timewe made it up to my apartment, I’d firmly decided that Kenzie could stay here, but I was going to sleep downstairs. The small loveseat in my office was too small to be comfortable, but it was a whole floor away from Kenzie in my bed, and that was what mattered.
I closed my apartment door, preparing to break my decision to her, but when I turned, she stood in my kitchen, her hands planted on the countertop and an expression on her face I hadn’t seen for hours.
“I want to file for custody,” she looked at me and declared. “No, I need to get custody, Zeke.”
My teeth locked tight. I hadn’t been expecting her to saythat, but I couldn’t say I was surprised. She’d just had to watch her kid get injured and stay on the sidelines while her asshole ex took care of everything.
“Kenz, we talked about this.” And of all days, I didn’t want to remind her that it was extremely unlikely for her to get custody right now.
“I know, but I’m clean. Sober. I’ve done everything. Followed every rule—”
“The judge is looking for more criteria than just your sobriety,” I tried to remind her calmly as I dragged my hand through my hair, but it wasn’t working.
Fat teardrops pooled in the corners of her eyes and dripped onto the counter. I walked over but left some semblance of space between us.If I reached for her now…
“I don’t care,” she insisted, wiping her cheek with the sleeve of my jacket. “I need custody of him, Zeke. I need it. You don’t understand. I need custody. I can’t not see him—not know if he’s okay—”
“I know.” My voice cracked, and I dragged a hand through my hair. Her pain was ripping me apart. “I know today was hard, but it’ll only be for a little longer—”
“I can’t wait longer. There has to be something I can do, Zeke. Anything,” she said, her voice fragile and desperate. “I’ll beg Benny to let me rent the apartment above the Pub—”