Page 110 of Corrupted Sinner
“Leeri, that woman is everything to me. Do you understand?” I asked, meeting her eyes, trying to see into her fucking soul. Ella had reminded me a little of my sister when I’d first met her, but it had been easy to see right into Ella, maybe because there’d been nothing riding on it.
“All right,” I nodded. It was the only choice. “But I’m begging you, don’t make me regret this.” I never begged. Never. But it seemed there’d been a whole lot of firsts in my life since the crazy blonde walked into it.
Leeri reached out and took my hand with her much smaller one and squeezed.
“I swear I’m going to help you, Brute. I’ll help Greta. But I need you to do something for me.”
I cocked an eyebrow at her, though, I figured I already knew the catch. Her freedom—I supposed that’s what she would want.
“If I do this, I need you to promise me you’ll kill him, Brute. I need you to kill Domínguez … no matter the cost. He’ll know the only way you could have found him was with help—from the inside. It wont’ take him long to realize it was Mateo, and even if I didn’t love him, that isn’t fair.”
“The tracker in Mateo’s phone, I put it there,” she said, the expression on her face steeped in guilt. “Domínguez doesn’t know about it… and neither does Mateo.”
Ouch.If I was Mateo, I’d be feeling like that was a pretty low blow. But since I didn’t feel any great affection for the man who’d let my sister live in this dangerous life, his blows weren’t really my problem. And killing Domínguez was an easy promise to make.
I squeezed Leeri’s hand. “If you help me figure out where Domínguez is, I give you my word the son of a bitch dies today—even if it’s the last thing I do before taking the final trip to hell.”
I went to let go of her hand, but she held on tighter. “I don’t want that, Brute. None of your crazy daredevil stuff here,please.I know you’ve got the manpower to overtake him, so be smart about it. And be safe.”
“We think he’s planning to try to take out all three families and the Old Dogs, all in one night.” And as it stood at the moment, the manpower was a problem.
She was silent, nodding. “Thatdoes sound like a Domínguez move., but you can’t—”
“Let me worry about what I can and can’t do. For now, I’ll get you what you need, and you get me a location.”
Chapter Forty
“It’s an interesting thing to watch, is it not?” Domínguez asked, breaking the silence.
He hadn’t said a word since he’d ordered Mateo and one of his other six men in the room to tie me to the hard-ass chair in front of the plastic-topped table.
Since then, he’d just stared from across the table, first at me, then at the dying man on the floor. The man I’d sliced open. But I’d never intended to leave him likethis.
“I think you need a better hobby,” I quipped, sounding a whole lot braver than I felt at the moment. I’d tested the restraints around my chest and my wrists. They weren’t budging. Not that I had a great chance of taking down six grown men with guns, even if I could work myself free.
Domínguez made a sound, half-scoff, half-laugh, and shifted in his seat for a better view of my victim.
The guy had screamed and writhed at first. After a while, the screams had turned to groans, and now, there was barely more than the occasional grimace and whimper. Not much m0re, no movement but for the slow, jerky rise and fall of his chest. He’d lost so much blood, it had pooled around him, creeping outward to saturate as much of the shitty orange carpet as it could.
“It always starts off violent,” Domínguez went on like I really wanted to know what got his rocks off. “But by the end,” he said, nodding to the guy who was clearly circling the drain now, “it’s so much calmer. Almost… peaceful.”
Yup, I’d named him aptly when I’d called him “twisted”.
I tried to sit up a little straighter, fighting the ropes that bound my chest to the chair. “You know, you could always try taking up yoga or start meditating if you’re looking for a little peace in your life. There’s less mess to clean up afterward.”
He smiled, but his attention was fixed on the dying guy whose chest shuddered one last time, then, finally, stopped moving.
And then, Domínguez turned all of his attention on me.
“You derived no satisfaction from that,Señorita?” he asked, his expression one of genuine puzzlement.
“From watching a guy slowly bleed to death?” I shook my head. “Not really my thing.” I’d intended to kill him, not watch him die an agonizing death. That was just messed up.
Domínguez chuckled. “You are an interesting creature. It’s too bad I’m going to have to kill you.” He glanced at his watch. “But we have a little time.”