Page 115 of Corrupted Sinner
When she looked back to Domínguez, she sat up straighter and dropped her hand to her lap.
“I choose me,” she said.
“No!” I shouted. And so did Gabe, Vito… every one of us. Because it was the one choice she couldn’t make.
Domínguez smiled. “Brave girl; I thought you might say that.” He shook his head. “But that’s not an option. Choose someone else.”
“She chooses me,” I said, taking a step forward, heedless of the gun at my back. Because fuck this.
“No, she doesn’t,” Gabe said from the other side of the room. “It has to be me.”
Greta was shaking her head in my direction; now she turned and shook her head at Gabe. “That’s not going to happen,” she said.
Gabe nodded and took a step forward, his hands up. The guy at his back stayed where he was, keeping his gun aimed at him.
“You’ve done it once,” Gabe said to Greta, “when you shot me in Colombia by accident. Remember, back when we were taking down Pedro Herrerra? It’s the same thing,amica.You can do this.”
Domínguez laughed. “By accident, is it? I don’t know about that,ese.I have a feeling this girl is full of surprises. But all right.” He nodded like he’d made a decision. “After all the trouble you’ve caused, I was hoping she’d choose you. It seems you’ve chosen for her, and I am satisfied with the choice.”
He turned to Mateo—the man we’d been thoroughly convinced was Javier Domínguez. “Untie her.”
Mateo did as he was told, unfastening the ropes that bound her chest and her left arm to the chair.
“Pick up the gun and stand up,Señorita,” Domínguez instructed, but Greta didn’t budge.
He shook his head. “It’s one or all. Be grateful this one was willing to make the call for you,” he said, nodding at Gabe.
She stared at Gabe for a long moment; I could hear the seconds ticking by on a clock somewhere beyond the room.
Finally, she grabbed the gun with her left hand and stood up. I could see the muscles of her throat working as she swallowed hard.
She looked at me, eyes clouded by a sheen of tears.
Don’t do it,I roared silently. Not just for Gabe. I knew Gabe would lay down his life for her. But I knew her too: I knew if she did this, she’d never be Greta again. She’d never be able to live with herself.
She shook her head without saying a word and turned to Gabe, the gun shaking in her hands now.
“You kill him, or we kill all of you,” Domínguez seethed from right behind her. He was so damn close to her, I could see her body shudder.
“Do it, Greta,” Gabe said, nodding once. “It’s okay.”
“Don’t do it,” I whispered. I’d rather be dead than watch her live after pulling that trigger.
“Make your choice,Señorita. Or I’ll make it for you,” Domínguez hissed. He sounded fucking ecstatic.
“If I could go back…” she whispered.
Gabe shook his head. “… I wouldn’t change a thing,amica.We saved lives, we found Cait and Nic. I have no regrets.”
She nodded, but I could hear the way her breath was coming hard and fast.
“I’m sorry, Gabe,” she whispered.
“It’ll be okay, Greta,” Gabe said, dropping his arms to his sides. “Just take care of them for me.”
She nodded again, and her breath came out with a shudder.
“On your knees,ese,”Dominguez ordered Gabe.