Page 13 of Corrupted Sinner
Sun, sand, and scumbags.
The kind of vacation every girl dreamed about, right?
Chapter Five
The silver Lincoln Navigator turned off the rural road outside of Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico and swerved onto the cracked concrete and gravel parking lot of the Domínguez Agricultura Warehouse. Behind them, two pick-up trucks with heavy machine guns mounted on them pulled into the lot.
The building didn’t look like it was in much better condition than the parking lot. Its brick had been painted, but what I assume had once been a vibrant orange had faded and peeled, making it look like the building had a seriously bad sunburn.
Deo and Gabe shifted in the grass beside me, perking up and leaning in for a better view.ZiettoVito and Brute were back at the villa we’d rented. Neither of them were happy to sit this one out, but this wasn’t exactly a party. Fewer people meant less risk of being spotted.
We’d been sitting in the long, hot grass for two hours. I think my ass fell asleep an hour ago. Now that there was finally something happening, I reached forward, stretching myself out, then shifted up onto my knees.
“I’m not getting any warm and fuzzy feelings here, boys,” I said, watching as the two escort vehicles stopped just inside the entrance of the lot while the Navigator pulled up to the rickety warehouse.
Instead of pulling up in front of the row of big-ass rolling doors at the front, though, it circled around to the side.
Damn it.We’d been counting on one of those doors in front opening up wide for us to take a peek. I couldn’t see a damn thing from our vantage point. This just wasn’t going to work.
I shoved my camera into my bra and knelt down low, crawling forward through the tall grass on hands and knees. It was so overgrown here that anyone looking on wouldn’t see much more than a rustling through the grass.
“What the hell are you doing?” Deo snapped.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” I hissed back.
“And if they catch you?” Gabe asked in that annoyingly level tone he used when he knew he was right.
I huffed and turned to glare at him over my shoulder.
“Look, we didn’t drive out here for the scenery, as lovely as it is,” I said, looking around at the dingy, scorched fields and the occasional sapote tree, which had probably stopped bearing fruit a decade ago. “We want to know what’s in there,si?”
He nodded, conceding.
“I’m not going to get caught, but if I did, those assholes are going to want to fuck me, giving you idiots time to get me out of there. If you get caught, they’re going to cut off your heads first and ask questions later. So, I think my way is the lesser of two evils, don’t you think?”
Really though, I had no intention of getting caught. Wasn’t really in the mood for a gangbang with half a dozen sickos today. Maybe tomorrow.
Gabe and Deo exchanged one of those silent, communicative glances that never ceased to piss me off.
“You’ve got two minutes, Greta,” Gabe said, which was ridiculous. He’d gotten a lot more cautious since finding Cait and Nic—the fiancée who’d gone missing five years ago and his son, respectively.
“Si, SignorTight-ass. And maybe you want to start dictating my bedtime for me too?”
Gabe rolled his eyes. “I’ve created a monster,” he muttered.
“Nonsense, I was always a little on the batshit crazy side.” I just had plenty more excuses these days to let some of that batshit crazy out.
I took off, crawling forward, before Gabe could say any more. The rolling door at the side was already open by the time I got into a better position, but the Navigator was just pulling in, giving me a view of the warehouse’s interior.
The money shot.
I pulled out the camera and zoomed in, getting an up-close look inside.
Concrete floors and ordinary walls.
No shackles.