Page 22 of Corrupted Sinner
“Scumbag,” Greta muttered under her breath, glaring daggers at the trailer.
“You wanna teach him a lesson?”
Her gaze jerked to mine. Her eyes were suddenly sparkling like she was a little girl and I’d just given her a new pony. Cute. Really fucking cute. Also, a clear reminder of just how much younger she was. Younger. And crazy. That was one hell of a bad combination.
“What did you have in mind?” she asked.
“Well, I’m wondering if that trailer is up to housing code.”
Her brows knitted together. “There’s a housing code for trailers?”
“Damned if I know,” I said, shrugging.
She laughed. The sound was light and carefree. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d heard something that sounded that good.
“If you don’t mind luring him out here, we could probably take care of that trailer for him.”
Her smile grew. “I think I can manage that,” she said, running her fingers through her hair and dragging down the neck of her shirt to show off plenty of cleavage.Great tits. Really fucking great tits.
“Lure him out, and I’ll take him from there, darling.”
“Yeah, sure… or something like that,” she said, then walked away before I could ask her what the hell that meant.
She walked right up to the trailer’s door without a backward glance and knocked on it tentatively, like she was real nervous—a believable performance if I believed for a second the girl had a nervous bone in her body.
The door swung open and the tall, lanky greaseball who owned it peeked out. The moment he saw Greta, he opened the door wide, smiling, showing off a few missing teeth.
“Hey there,” Greta said. “Sorry to bother you so late, but I think I took a wrong turn somewhere, and I’m having a terrible time finding my way back to the highway. Do you think you could point me in the right direction?” she asked in a sultry tone that went straight to my cock.
If the girl had oozed sex before, it was flowing from her like a goddamned river now.
The guy stepped outside, letting the door of the trailer swing shut behind him.
“Sure, I can, sweetness,” he said, looking her over from head to toe.
“Fucking pervert,” I grumbled under my breath, as if I weren’t doing the same exact thing. That was different, though, because sometimes she ogled me first.
“Great, I really appreciate it,” she went on, turning away and giving the guy an up-close view of the vixen from behind.
“I made a left turn a little way back, maybe two miles that way,” she said, taking a few steps away from the trailer under the guise of showing the guy where she’d come from. “I’m wondering if I should have made a right.”
The guy dogged her footsteps, his gaze firmly fixed on her ass, not the least bit interested in where she was pointing.
“Yeah, I think that might have been your mistake. If you—”
She spun around fast, grabbed the guy’s arm and spun some more, getting his arm bent up behind him and putting enough pressure on him to make him buckle to his knees.
“Fuck! What the hell are you doing?” he cried while he struggled against her hold. But damn, the girl knew her shit. The guy wasn’t going to be able to get out of that easily.
It seemed this was the “or something like that” she’d mentioned. I would have complained, but watching her lock the guy down, I wasn’t sure I’d ever been more turned on—and that included the time my club brothers had gotten me twins for my birthday.
I shook my head, cursing the tornado to hell and back. The girl was still fully clothed, for fuck’s sake.
Before the guy dislocated his own shoulder, I sauntered out of the brush.
“Nice work, darling,” I said, then grabbed the guy by his other arm and twisted it up behind him while he continued to curse and thrash.
She relinquished her hold on him, smiling way too damn happily.