Page 35 of Corrupted Sinner
The boys back home were never going to believe this.
The slimy fuck had managed to pull this shit together in a few hours—a few hours after the big “Hastings sibling reunion”.
Pansy-ass twinkling lights lit up the trees. Liquor practically flowed from the bar set up next to the patio. And flaming torches lined the perimeter of thecapo’shome. Christ, what I could do with all that fire. Burn this fucking sprawling castle down in a New York minute. What a sight that would be.
I had a feeling, though, that probably landed somewhere on Greta’s list of shit that would blow our cover.
I shook my head, trying to banish the crazy girl from my head. Not an easy feat to accomplish when she was right there, ten yards in front of me.
The girl stood next to the bar, dressed in a black dress that, if you came at her from the front, covered up a decent amount of that young, taut flesh. When she turned around, though? Fuck. Her back was bare right down to her tailbone, nothing but the crisscross of strings of black diamond-looking things to break up the expanse of her perfectly tanned and toned flesh.
Tannedeverywhere. And toned everywhere. And fuck, the piercings—instant hard-on material. After the towel had come off yesterday, there wasn’t a chance in hell that image was ever leaving my fucking head.
Now, she was talking and laughing with a bunch of assholes who wouldn’t stop looking at her like she was something to eat. Even though she was dressed in black, I swear she shone brighter than the goddamned torches. Like moths to a flame; that’s what they were. Fucked up little flying things, all flocking to her in droves.
“Someone needs to squish the fuckers,” I muttered under my breath.
If it weren’t for Deo standing there next to her, no doubt those fuckers would have been trying to put their slimy hands all over her.
“If you’re going to beat the shit out of any of Javier’s men, do you maybe want to do it somewhere else?” Leeri said, coming up next to me and following my gaze back to the bar.
She had a wine glass in one hand and a beer bottle in the other. She held the bottle out to me, cocking an eyebrow.
“I won’t beat up any of your little friends tonight,” I promised her. It might have been a lie. I sure as hell felt like beating the shit out of someone.
“You should leave, Brute,” she said, sitting down on the low stone wall that edged one of thecapo’sextensive gardens. What man in his right mind needed acres of fucking flowers?
“Why’s that?” I asked, sitting down next to her and stretching my legs out in front of me. We’d spent a few hours together today, and in some ways, it felt like she’d never left. In other ways, I was looking at a stranger. A stranger with secrets behind her eyes.
She took a sip of whatever she was drinking, then stared at the glass, silent. The conflicted look on her face said she was struggling with something.
“Anything you need to tell me, Leeri?”
She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, the same damn thing I did when I was frustrated. She could put as many miles and years between us as she wanted; it didn’t change who she was.
“Javier, he’s not big on strangers. Business is one thing, but this,” she said, motioning to the party in general, “I don’t know what this is.”
“It’s a party.” I raised the unopened beer in a silent toast.
She smiled, but the gesture was tight-lipped. Nothing like when Greta smiled and it made her eyes light up.
“What do you say you show me and my friends around Domínguez’s city tomorrow? I haven’t branched out much beyond New York.”
“Just like dad, huh?” she said.
She was still staring at her glass, and that was probably a good thing. There were few things I liked less than being compared to my asshole of a father. Hated the man enough to kill him, and that wasn’t a figure of speech. I killed the fucker. Haven’t regretted it a day since.
“Yup,” I said, jaw clenched.
“Your… friend, Deo, does he know about you and his girlfriend?” she asked.
I scoffed and ran my fingers through my hair, running out of hair too fast. That was it. I was growing it the fuck back.
“There ain’t nothing to know, Leeri. A momentary lapse in judgment. That’s all that was.” And wasn’t that the truth.
Leeri nodded, eyeing Deo consideringly. “He seems friendly enough. I’m not sure I’d want to get on his bad side, though.”