Page 65 of Corrupted Sinner
I was just really starting to get into the show when a big hand wrapped around my arm and tugged lightly.
“Got a minute, darling?” Brute asked as I broke the kiss. He sounded just as kingly as ever, making the question not really sound like a question at all.
The brunette dropped her hands from my hips… because, clearly, the king had spoken. She was smiling impishly, though. I don’t think she was terribly afraid of the king.
“Sure thing,” I said. I didn’t look up at him, but I caught sight of Gabe out of the corner of my eye. He was standing next to Brute, looking very amused.
“It was nice to meet you,amica,” I said, then let Brute lead me across the big room, in the opposite direction of the staircase to a closed door.
He threw it open and pulled me inside. There was a desk in the middle of the room, similar to the one at his bar. There were no chairs arranged around it. This wasn’t the bikers’ church, then; probably the office where the treasurer kept track of the books.
He stopped in front of the desk and turned to face me.
“You wanna tell me what I owe you for that bit of entertainment for my boys?” he asked. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and though he was smiling, there was something less relaxed in his eyes, a tension in the corners that made his blue irises feel colder.
I smiled, pushing on unperturbed. “It’s on the house.”
Seriously, though, the look in his eyes was confusing me.
“Is there a problem here, Brute?”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure what you were doing with Holly, but I don’t know that I like it.”
Yeah right. Like there was a man alive who didn’t like a little girl-on-girl action. “What? You can play with her, but I can’t?”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Is that what this is, darling? You were jealous?”
“Of course not,” I said, then slammed my lips shut. It might not have been the reason I’d been playing with the brunette, but what he said wasn’t entirely untrue.
“Maybe I was,” I admitted. “I didn’t like seeing you with her. I’m not used to that feeling.”
He eyed me for a moment. It wasn’t the most flattering moment. He was looking at me like maybe I’d grown a second head.
“Not sure I’ve heard that much honesty come out of someone’s mouth in a long time.”
“Yup, that’s me. Honest Greta.”
He smiled at the quip, but then sobered quickly.
“I think we were both real clear about whatthisisn’t, darling,” he said, motioning between the two of us “But just so you know, I rode with Holly’s daddy, and she’s been coming around the clubhouse for the past four years, since she wassixteenyears old. Hard to not see her as a little girl, and little girls ain’t my thing.”
“And what is your thing?” I couldn’t help but ask, batting my eyelashes and taking a step toward him.
It wasn’t my fault. There was just something about the big biker. Maybe all that muscle was magnetic, drawing me closer. Except, we weren’t exactly opposites. We were both a little crazy. We lived life on the fringes, outside of what polite society would consider the norm and made no apologies for it. And neither of us wanted anything to do with commitment.
And yet, instead of backing off or sending me on my way, he took a step closer.
“A woman who doesn’t mind putting her lips on another woman is certainly one of my things,” he said as he took another step.
I laughed and rolled my eyes. “You and every other warm-blooded male.”
He smiled; all of the coldness in his eyes was gone. “You were honest with me, darling; I owe you the same,” he said, close enough now for him to graze his fingers along my jaw. “You’re young, darling. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. If you ever think of settling down, it should be with a man your own age.”
“You know you’re not exactly ancient, right?”
He chuckled. “You may be right, but the truth is I’m old enough to know I’m not looking to settle down, not ever. Never been tempted a day in my life… until you,” he admitted, though he didn’t look happy about it.