Page 46 of Forbidden Romeo
“I’ll have to get some more then.”
Roisin’s eyes sparkle mischievously. “Why? Does your new ‘friend’ not like gingers?”
“I—” Caught off guard, I instinctively glance at my bedroom door, a knee-jerk reaction.
One Roisin does not miss. Her eyes go wide as she mouths, “Is he here?”
Well, there’s no use denying it now.
I nod.
Roisin covers her mouth as she squeals in glee.
“Shh!” I say, mentally begging her to shut up. “He’s still asleep.”
She shakes her head in disbelief. “You bought a guy home? Into our actual apartment?”
I glance at the door again before hissing, “Roisin!”
“I’m so proud of you!” she mock-whispers. “Can I meet him?”
I look her up and down. “You’re hungover as all hell. So, no, you cannot meet him.”
Roisin pouts. “Why?”
“He wants to sign you, remember?” I pull the fact out of thin air. But honestly, I just know the two of them meeting will end in disaster when she’s like this.
“I can’t believe you slept with my future agent. Brownie points go to Aimee Maguire,” Roisin teases.
I snort. “It was hardly a hardship.”
“Yeah?” Roisin gives me a naughty look, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
“He’s verycharming,”I emphasize as I hit her in the arm playfully. “And excellent company.”
“Was he excellentcompanylast night, then?”
I roll my eyes at her. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Oh, please!”
Roisin pouts again. “Come on, let me live vicariously through your sex life.”
“I want you nowherenearmy sex life, thank you very much.”
When Roisin doesn’t reply, I look up at her to see her staring over my shoulder. Her jaw is practically scraping the floor.
Huh, I didn’t even hear him come in.
I turn to Jack brightly. “Morning!”
But he’s not looking at me; he’s looking straight at Roisin. His face is completely unreadable. “Sorry… I didn’t know we were expecting company.”
“You must be Jack!” Roisin says. “I’d get up, but the hangover might make me puke on you. I’ve heard… great things.”
She gives me a look that makes me blush. “Jack, this is-”