Page 59 of Forbidden Romeo
This is entirely the wrong thing to say. “So, I’m not allowed to leave because I’m not a big, scary man, is that it?”
I watch as Aimee tries to stand up again, only her legs keep shaking so hard they give out from under her. She’s such a force to be reckoned with; even when she’s too weak to inflict physical damage, her tongue will lash out like a holdout gun. Despite everything, there’s a deep fondness beginning to take root in my chest that I can’t shake.
“You’re not leaving because I’m not ready to lose you.”
“You… selfish bastard! This is my sister we’re talking about!”
Without looking back, I step out of the apartment, leaving Aimee behind.
I can still hear her cursing me out as I close the door behind me.
Chapter Fifteen
I look down at my phone and reread the text.
KATE:wtf is going on
It can’t have been more than an hour since she sent it, but I can practically feel her impatience for my reply. It’s not that I distrust my cousin (okay, maybe a little), but this isn’t exactly something I want to drag her into.
My thumbs hover over the keyboard for a moment before I shoot over my response.
JACK:I’ve taken care of it.
Her reply comes seconds later, as if she is staring at her phone.
KATE:That’s not an answer.
I mentally weigh up the pros and cons of telling her. Knowing Kate, keeping things from her will lead to disaster. She has a tendency to stick her nose into places it doesn’t belong, and I can’t gauge how far she’d be willing to go to get her answers. But telling her could put both myself and Aimee at risk.
I just need to give her enough information so she’ll back off.
JACK:There’s an asset at the apartment.
JACK:Did you withdraw?
KATE:3 still missing; everyone else is back.
I put my phone away with a sigh; at least I’ve managed to solve one of my problems today. I still finish walking the perimeter of Aimee’s apartment, just in case. But it seems Kate came through—there’s no sign of anyone lingering in Brooklyn this afternoon.
There’s a tiny cafe on the street opposite Aimee’s apartment that I slowly make my way over to. Maybe coffee will help my dismal outlook on life.
How the hell did things go wrong so quickly? It was only a couple days ago we were walking the boardwalk at Coney Island. Dating Aimee was meant to be simple, a respite from the rest of my life. Perhaps it was foolish of me to believe that I could have something like that without consequences. Lord knows He doesn’t usually let me catch a break.
I order a coffee at the bar and take it to the wobbly wooden table outside. It’s not entirely practical, but the vantage point of the entrance to Aimee and Roisin’s apartment complex is perfect.
It was a complete oversight on my part, not thinking about Roisin. When Kate told me that they were closing in on Brooklyn, the only thing I was focused on was getting Aimee out of there. But the truth is, Roisin is in just as much danger as Aimee.
Their apartment is now compromised, so ideally, I want to move her out as quickly as I can. But I can’t guarantee that she’d follow me if I approached her directly, and it seems like a disaster waiting to happen to take her back to my apartment. Both sisters in one place would mean double the reward for Padraic when he finds us.
And it isa question ofwhen.Sure, only Kate and I know about the apartment. But it wouldn’t take them long to find out, especially if Ray starts looking into my online history.
So the question remains, where do I take her, and how do I get her to come with me?
From our brief interaction, I could tell Roisin was definitely the younger sibling—unguarded and audacious in a way her sister certainly isn’t. Looking back, it makes me wonder just how much Roisin is aware of the underworld sniffing at her doorstep.