Page 96 of Forbidden Romeo
We pass by streams of people yelling at the ref and the unconscious body of the crowd’s favored fighter. But I couldn’t care less about the goddamn bookies. Jack won and, more importantly, didn’t sustain a single injury.
But I still want to check him over, just to be sure.
By the time we reach the doors, fans and angry Kennedy supporters are already gathering by the entrance, making it impossible to pass through. Let alone for the men stationed outside the locker room to deter anyone from entering.
“This way,” Kate says, grabbing my arm and navigating us through the crowds toward a concealed staff door. The man in theLuckiesuniform that leans against the wall merely nods at us as Kate pushes through.
“Is it always like that?” I say with a glance over my shoulder at the growing mob of people before the staff door closes behind us.
“Like I said,” she replies as she sets off at a brisk walk down the corridor. “Next time, I’ll get you a thigh holster.”
We don’t have to go much further before a flurry of movement rounds the corner.
“Mr. Duffy! Please, you have to wait for a physician!”
Kate and I watch as Jack shakes off a kid trailing behind him, holding his towel and shirt.
“I’m fine,” Jack bites out, not slowing his pace, only pausing when he spots us up ahead.
“Jack!” I say, a little shocked by how relieved I sound. I approach as quickly as my heels will let me, reaching for an embrace.
But Jack steps out of the way.
“I’mfine,”he says again, just as bitterly.
I shrink back a little. Taking in how his bare chest rises and falls almost aggressively, the hard lines of his brow, the tightness of his jaw.
He’s angry. Angrier than I’ve ever seen him before. His hazel eyes are ablaze with a darkness that seems to consume him.
For the first time, I see the resemblance he shares with his father.
It shocks me enough to take another step back.
Jack watches me closely for another moment before he turns away. Storming back along the corridor from where we just came in.
I can’t move, can barely breathe as my body registers the terror that’s coursing through my veins.
Suddenly I get it what Kate had said about Padraic.
“I’ve been at his beck and call for years because I’m terrified of making the wrong move.”
At the time, I thought maybe she was just trying to make me feel better. But whoeverthatwas, it wasn’t my Jack. It was someone else entirely.
“I wouldn’t want you to see the person I become when the fighting starts.”
A hand touches my shoulder, and I jerk back.
“Hey,” Kate says softly. “Let’s get out of here.”
The drive back to the Duffy mansion is a quiet one, despite Kate insisting we hit up a drive-through on our way.
I slurp slowly on my strawberry milkshake, thankful for the sugar intake after such a stressful evening. Coming down from that adrenaline high has completely wiped me out.
Luckily, it seems Kate has developed a habit of anticipating my needs before I realize them. When we enter the mansion, she immediately escorts me up to Jack’s bedroom and gives me a key. Shows me how to manage the locks that Jack has installed on his door.
It’s a large room with a full-sized private bathroom, but I kind of like his penthouse better. There’s something about the old English style of decor that grates on me. Even though Jack has clearly done his best to incorporate some more modern elements, it seems there was nothing he could do to cover up the thick, draping curtains and Victorian paneling.