Page 8 of The Holiday Boyfriend
“And my best friend, don't forget that,” I shot over my shoulder as I went to microwave my food. I counted down the seconds until the microwave beeped, announcing the food was ready.
I was expecting the noodles Austin had meal prepped earlier this week, but instead, there were four soft-shell tacos inside the container—my favorite.
I devoured the first one in seconds but slowed down to savor the second one. My lips stretched wider with each bite. The tacos were delectable, but even better than the food was the thought that Austin had prepared my favorite meal just for me. There was no better high than feeling the care of someone important to you.
“You're awfully happy digging into your food. Is it from your girlfriend?” Lena slid into the seat beside me and asked. She rested her elbows on the table and propped her chin on her palms. The move highlighted her full breasts, pushing them up in her low tank top. Not that I was trying to look, but it was hard to miss when they were practically shoved into my face.
Lena joined the farm last year and didn't make her interest in me a secret. She flirted with me every chance she got but never took it too far. She was a nice enough girl and quite a beauty with her large doll eyes and hourglass figure that all the single men in town lusted over, but I didn't date coworkers.
A wise person once told me to never mix business with pleasure, and I took that to heart. I'd heard enough stories of the drama that ensued when coworkers dated and broke up. The headache wasn't worth it.
“Not from a girlfriend but even better—my best friend.”
She leaned back on her chair and watched me for a second before saying, “He must be someone special to make you smile like that.”
I paused mid-bite into my taco and met her eyes. “Yeah, he is. He really is something special,” I said with sincerity. Austin was the best person I knew.
Lena sighed and flopped over the table. She turned her head to me. “I never had a chance, did I?” she said. There was disappointment in her voice, but she still shot me a soft smile.
The random comment surprised me, but it wasn't unwelcome. The sooner she gave up, the better.
“You'll find someone much better suited for you than me,” I said, which only made her snicker.
I looked at her with confusion. Were my words funny? I wasn't trying to be.
She stood and patted my shoulder. “You're a good man, Jim. I'm sure you'll realize who truly makes you happy soon,” she said before leaving me with my food and more than a handful of questions at her words.
Tapping my finger on the steering wheel, I worried over my actions. I wondered if making Jim's favorite tacos was overkill. Would he realize something from it?
The man had sacrificed sleep to make sure that I was safe on the road, so going through the extra effort to give him a nice little treat was completely reasonable, right?
I hoped.
Ever since dropping off Jim's lunch a few hours ago, I'd spent every second worrying about my actions. When I handed the food container to Trish, she gave me a shit-eating grin like she was aware of why I was really there.
Almost everyone in town knew that I was gay—I didn't hide that fact—but I made sure to hide my feelings for Jim. At least, I thought I had. However, the knowing eyes Trish shot me told me that I hadn't kept my secret hidden as well as I'd hoped. I couldn't help but blush under her gaze. If Trish could see my foolish crush, then had Jim figured it out as well?
The nice thing about working for myself was that I could make my own hours. Sometimes clients would call me to schedule a pickup, but fortunately there weren't any today. Instead, I used my time very productively by face planting myself on the couch and contemplating every single interaction I had with Jim last night, wondering if I'd acted out of character and leaked my secret.
The hours passed too quickly while immersed in my mini panic, and before I knew it, I was brought back to reality by the alarm I'd set to pick up Jim from work. So here I was, frantically tapping the wheel as I drove toward the same person I'd been obsessing over all day. Scratch that—it was more like I'd been obsessing over Jim for years, and I didn't know how to stop.
I parked outside the farm and sent a text to Jim letting him know that I was here. Every second after felt like a countdown to my execution as I waited for Jim to come and deliver my sentence. Had he realized my true affections for him and found me disgusting?
My phone dinged with a text, and I opened it to find a message from my friend Levi inviting Jim and me out for a drink tonight. Levi was a few years younger than me, but we connected a couple years ago when Jim was on vacation with his then girlfriend. It was the only winter festival that we didn't spend together. I was feeling sorry for myself and was in the process of drinking away my sorrows at the Dove's Fountain—the local pub.
Fortunately, Levi joined me at my booth and stopped me before I got myself blackout drunk. He sat with me as I wailed about my unrequited love that was sure to only lead to disappointment.
In my haze of self-pity anddejection, I'd made a move on Levi and kissed him. I'd instantly regretted it, but fortunately, Levi wasn't one to hold grudges. He'd made sure I got home safe that night and continued to check up on me, and years later, we'd stayed friends.
I replied to Levi that I’d meet him there in an hour. Going out for a drink would be better than staying home alone with Jim and my thoughts. A night out would do me good.
It had been a while since I'd last hooked up with someone, so maybe that was what needed to go on the plan for tonight. Dating was out of the question, considering how no one could compare when I already had the man of my dreams by my side.
Speaking of…the next second, Jim strode out of the farmhouse. The bright afternoon sun shone behind him, casting him in a halo that only made him look even more delectable than he already was. As he got closer to the car, I quickly wiped the back of my hand over my mouth in case I was drooling. If Jim caught me drooling over him, I would literally dig a hole and bury myself inside it.