Page 30 of Control
He nods. “I really like the Snow Pirates too. My mom took me to see them once, but... it was too loud.” He winces as though even the memory physically hurts him.
“I like hockey, too.”
That lights him up. The first sign of excitement or positive emotion since I stepped out my front door and found him on the porch step.
“I mean, I probably don’t know as much as you do. But I’d love to learn if you want to teach me.”
He launches into Hockey 101. Except it’s more like hockey 801 by the time he gets done. He eats a granola bar from his backpack for dinner, and eventually tells me what I’ve done wrong with his bed and we figure out how to make it right so he can lie down.
When I close his door behind me, I slither down the door and land my ass on the floor. Green binder in my lap. I have no clue what autism is, or how to help Matthew navigate the world while being autistic. But I sure as shit am going to try.
I don’t run.Like, never.
Cardio and I aren’t exactly on first name terms.
But when I say I fled Thor’s house as though someone was chasing me and asking to share my food, it’s an understatement. My ankle hurts, I probably twisted it... from all the running.
When I jumped in the car and slammed the door behind me, I half expected the damn thing not to start. It would have been the perfect time for the universe to get in my way. Thankfully, the engine started on the first try, and I was able to escape.
I would not want to be Thor right now. I can’t imagine how scared, confused, and dare I say angry he is. But that’s his problem right now, not mine. I have problems of my own.
As soon as I get into my old apartment, I cringe at the boxes lying all around the place. So many problems of my own.
It’s a reminder of all the things I need to do: find a roommate, find a job, finish packing up all my shit and move it from this apartment to my new one. And those are just the biggies. I also have to scrub this place to within an inch of its life if I have any hope of getting my security deposit back. And I really need that fucking deposit.
Nervous energy consumes me as I pace around my living room. When I try to sit down, my ass hurts, so I bounce back onto my feet with a whimper and resume walking in circles.
Paige interrupts my pacing with a text asking if I’m still at Thor’s. She sent it to the group chat. It’s tempting to ignore it, pretend like I didn’t see it, what with all the sexing. But maybe I need to talk it out.
Something terrible happened.
Okay, so it wasn’t terrible, it was just greatly unexpected, and I have no idea what to do with it.
Are you gonna make us guess? Or do we get more than that?
^^ What she said. We can’t help if we don’t know where to bring the shovels.
That makes me snort out loud. My friends are always ready to help hide the bodies. It’s one of the things I love most about them.
Not in the bedroom. I’m safe, I’m fine, I wasn’t violated. Thor is a fucking sex god. The rumors are true.
Does this require an in person intervention?
I’m not going to Thor’s house if he’s still pounding her lady town. Voyeurism isn’t my kink.
I’m not at Thor’s anymore. I’m back at home. But I think I need an emergency Sub Club meeting.